"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Ashland garden week pics

Few shots of  areas in yards during Ashland Virginia's garden week.
As we make our way around to the back yard we come upon a welcoming seating area

garden hose wreath with a flower orb in center

these were eye catching with all of the pretty spring greenery and then this pop of red suspended here

at the end of the arbor way
looking straightaway is this sweet little statue

another orb hanging from a limb nearby

nice clipped box in background

one of my most favorite statues

do like the  urns, not sure about the climbing vines on the home though.

had to get a picture of this with the pretty veggies inside,  Steve likes this idea

Lastly - a big color splash of my favorite flower - the peony.   


Elizabeth said...

Very pretty !

DeniseinVA said...

I would have enjoyed the garden tour, you took some lovely sights. Thanks Betsy :) Have a great weekend!