"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Friday, May 6, 2016

Annette and farm veggies - from AJ'S farm

My daughter and her husband have a beautiful crop of turnips ( my favorite) and radishes that she is selling at the Narrows farmers market in Virginia.
 You can see that nothing but good soil and a clean washing after digging were used on these beauties.   I do wish I had some,  but she promised she would save me some and that more would be in within 45 days.  Nothing better than home grown,  with love "veggies".
She had turnip greens too.  She will be back out tomorrow with more if you are in the area.

Oh yes,   she also has for sale Farm Fresh eggs for a bargan at $3.50 a dozen
I wouldn't mind having a few chickens for fresh eggs.   She said they start to slow down laying after about 3 years.

these would be good alone or mashed with potatoes and butter, forget the butter , don't need it as there is enough flavor.
These radishes look so fresh and crispy.  She said they taste like  a radish and a horseradish to her, a little peppery too.

type in address below for pictures of area


AJS farm - ballard w.v.

1 comment:

DeniseinVA said...

How wonderful to have such fresh turnips and radishes! Farm eggs too, nothing like getting them straight from the farm. We used to buy them from a local farm when I lived in a village in England. It was just down the lane and we were there weekly. Great photos!