"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Friday, March 24, 2017

Cloak or Cape

I have been wanted to make this pattern I ordered some time back from Etsy.
A cloak pattern with a muff for my grand daughters.
Have not been able to get it together when it was really needed for the past winter, but looks like she will be able to wear it this coming fall and winter.
Right now it is still feeling like winter here.  Not sure about the Spring weather,  but guess it will feel like it some time or another.

Haven't sewed anything like this for a long time, so it took a while for me
putting in lining

I sewed on closures and looks o.k.                              
The arm holes took some doing to get them even

I made a quilted interior for the faux fur muff. Should be warmer this way

The hood should help stay warm.   Adalyn wanted red,  like little red riding hood is what I think.

I see I need to clean camera lens now

dad and addy


Lynn said...

Turned out really well. I know Addie will love wearing it.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Your granddaughter is going to love it! Just beautiful. ♥

krishna said...

It has turned out really beautiful..

Unknown said...

my goodness mom it is beautiful. You did a wonderful job on it. I know i do not get my sewing skills from you. Because addy would end up with a pair of pants. I see that she really loves it. Ady looks like little red riding hood. so cute

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

WOW!! Betsy, I am impressed!! This really is stunning!! I just got rid of 3 boxes of fabric that I thought I would use to make some clothing for myself but I realized that I probably will never get around to it so I donated it to Volunteers of America for their Thrift Shop. I guess I should have shopped it to you!!
All of our snow is just about melted except for the plies made by shoveling or plowing. We have had rain and temps. in the high 40's so it melted nicely. That is the good thing about getting so much snow in March...it does not stay long!!
Have a great weekend!!

Betsy said...

Annette you didn't get your canning in a pressure cooker from me either. You got that from your grandma. You are a sweetie.
love, mom

Betsy said...

hopefully this winter or fall, with the weather the way it's been. It may be spring.