- Photos posted on my blog are mine unless stated otherwise. BH

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Happy Sunday

 Nothing nicer than to be greeted by these blooming beauties.

Few red peppers I picked from a plant that I grew in a large pot this year and it's still producing.  I grew all from seeds  and they did much better.

Now out to take care of much needed chores.  


  1. Your flowers are beautiful and those veggies look great!

  2. Dearest Betsy,
    There is always so much to do in the summer season!
    At times it can be a bit overwhelming.
    Your home grown produce looks just perfect!
    We had 3 lazy pool days at the Hyatt Place Hilton Head Airport. So good to swim every morning.
    Upon arrival home, UPS delivered the hardcover book. FINALLY holding it in our own hands. The Paperback will come this week.

  3. Your Rudbeckia are so pretty and really say summer to me, Betsy! I had to remove a lot of them from my perennial bed as they were taking over. Now, I wish I hadn't. You have great veggies there. Nothing better for meals during this hot weather. Enjoy your week.

  4. Lovely flowers in perfect light!

  5. Betsy,
    Your flowers are gorgeous! Thanks so much for visiting! I also left a comment for you on my post about early retirement so other readers could maybe benefit from our conversation....

  6. Those peppers look so yummy. Wish I could wiggle my nose and make them appear in my fridge. hehe.


Enjoy reading your comments always!
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