"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Monday, April 29, 2019

Happy Monday

It's chilly here today. I must say I like it this way.  Supposed to be 90 on Thursday.   I wanted to see some gardens but never got around to doing it as yet.  It's Virginia garden week and I must check the schedule to see what's left close by to maybe see.  I love seeing how others make their gardens and I love the whimsy in some with hanging ornaments etc..
Here is a few from my home a day ago I wanted to post before I forget.. First a happy house picture drawn by Adalyn

few azaleas I brought in

Bunny will have to be put back in his shed now

Getting somewhere finally with the raking and cutting.  Having to put down weed and feed.  We put down grub-x to see if the grubs will go somewhere else since they will have less to eat.  Will see.

Spinner at the lavender cottage as we call it now.

I have ajuga bugle weed growing at the base of the boxwood's.  Bees totally love them

Some peonies at the gate. I separated quite a few of these because they were spreading like weeds.

Clouds the other day I took.  Such a pretty display.

Just a little water fall with flowers on my back porch.

A mix of plants in a planter I have at the garage doors

I enjoy seeing the changing view of the Azalea when I get up in the morning

I think these two will finally have their heads together tonight as one.  I do like the bigger screen.  So nice to have an IT professional around the house.  THANK YOU WONDERFUL HUSBAND!!!!


The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Betsy, I love seeing what's blooming around your garden. Your pretty pale pink azaleas are my favorite--so feminine along with the white ones. The darling lavender cottage is so sweet. I always love visiting gardens during Garden Week as well, but I won't be able to this year. Have a nice week.

krishna said...

I love the cute drawing!

Recep Hilmi TUFAN | rehitu.com said...

Drawing is so cute.

You are living in a heaven!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Betsy,
Happy house is done well by Adalyn and you sure do have a happy house and garden.
Still with the Azaleas blooming so lovely.
WISH our peonies would stay alive, how many we have tried and lost.
Only during a very cool summer we manage to have some, at least I got some photos of them in a vase!
But we can't have both sides... each area has pros and cons.

Debbie - Mountain Mama said...

Wow, Betsy, your gardens are so far ahead of mine!! My peonies are just a couple of inches tall, they have a long way to go before they bud...and those azaleas! I have tried them multiple times up here but they do not like me....sigh.

DeniseinVA said...

Your garden is beautiful Betsy. The computer screen looks nice and big. Adalyn's picture brings me a big smile. Great post!

Betsy said...

Hello Mariette,
I have heard that north Georgia has a better time growing Peonies. They have to have a winter of 40 degrees at least to do well. My mom always had them in her yard and a few of mine came from her yard ages ago. They have a long life.
I think I will name Adalyns picture "Happy House" I like that, Thank you.
Happy Wednesday,

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Betsy, north Georgia is still 4 hours north from us... it makes a huge difference in climate! 💚