My boxwood in a pot that has been in the same pot for about 3 years or more needed a trim and I put some soil for boxwoods on top to feed it.
Before a trim

After a trim and looking a little better
I have another one to do in a pot. But will take care of that one tomorrow.
Genevieve loves Lavender.
I chopped this to the ground almost around the end of March. It's like a weed this white Lilac.
Giant Snowdrops are what these are called.
Not sure if this is called creeping Jenny or not coming up in the pot.
Genevieve loves flowers and these daffodils smell so sweet. The only ones I have that are fragrant.
little peach color around the edges
A piece of lilac I pulled up from the larger one. It's growing.
Don't know what these are but I will leave them to see. I stuck a piece of rosemary in the pot a few weeks ago. Looks like it's alive.
Steve purchased a few of these end of season and they had stopped flowering. I just left it in the pot because it was winter coming on so I figured I would dump it out in the spring. Well the silver sage is coming to life and I think I better put it in the ground
Took a drive to Bass Pro and the girls are fascinated by the beaver skin.
Adalyn used to be scared to death of this bear and now is not. Genevieve doesn't like touching it.
Butterscotch scones I made for breakfast the other day. So good.
sedum coming up in this planter attached to side of house by driveway.
I see the lilac sprig I put in there has taken root. Will have to take that out.
We had the children to spend the night last friday and had dinner at our local fish place. They pour malt vinegar on everything.
Genevieve and
A visit with Mama and of course a game of scrabble she usually always wins..
Dearest Betsy,
Oh my, we envy you for the fact to be able to grow the heavenly Lavender! We tried all species and lost them all as it is too hot down here. So sad.
Are those 'dewdrops' as you call them actually Lily of the Vally or Convallaria majalis? We did try numerous of these bulbs but nothing...
We never ever have hauled off any leaves as that makes for the very best humus. We put it around a tree or something.
That's how the woods fertilize themselves, together with the natural 'nitrogen' that is in the rain and even more so when it is a thunder storm.
Things look lush in your region and no doubt will grow out fast.
Having supper with the grands will create lasting memories and they look so happy.
Loved seeing all your pretty blooms...Things are stating to bud here and a few perennials are starting to poke out of the ground but it is in the 30's and 40's again today...Joe did some yard work in the front, under my supervision of of course. Saturday is supposed to be warm with high's near 70 so we hope to at least get the patio in the back cleaned up and maybe set up.... I want to have to yard, porch and patio done before my surgery so I can enjoy it.....
Thanks for stopping by!!
It's nice to see your darling grandchildren growing almost as fast as your flowers, Betsy. I like how you trimmed the boxwood--very pretty. We worked putting compost all around today. It's been a nice cooler day to work in the garden.
Looks lovely and nice to do yard work. In here there is a storm blowing snow like mad. I am with Genevieve, I love Lavender!! Yummy looking scones. Your mom always win? I love that! Sweet little girls!!
Beautiful garden. I also need to trim my boxwood.
Hello Mariette,
There is only one type of Lavender I have had any luck with and it is called Provence Lavender. That's all I know it goes by or read on the plant marker. Very easy to grow, does well in extreme heat and cold where I am .
Giant Snowdrops is the name of the flower, not dew drops. I used to have lily of the valley and somehow it got pulled up or tillered up while making way to plant other flowers.
We take our leaves out as we usually have about two truck loads of them in bags. I don't mind a few mulched around the trees but when it's so thick, the ticks and mosquitos seem to like it as it holds in too much moisture here.
The grandchildren are a joy to have and we enjoy outings with them. I wished we could see the three that live in Hawaii. The oldest grandson lives in West Virginia but he has other things to do these days. He is 18 now .
The one thing that grows the fastest here is the grass, we are constantly mowing. I think I am ready for a condo. My husband says no way right now.
Genevieve and Adalyn are adorable. Bet you all have lots of fun being around each other. Like Genevieve I love lavender. I am buying it for the garden this year, and I have lavender soap and hand sanitizer, also essential lavender oil. It was my mother's and sister's favorite also, that's probably where I got my liking for it. Enjoyed your great photos of what's going on in your garden too. Happy weekend to you all Betsy :)
I love lavender soap too. I wish I could find some really nice Rose cologne. Lavender and Rose two of my favorites.
This lavender I have grows really well and is so hardy. The label - Provence Lavender. Lavender farms is a place here in Glen Allen that I always purchase healthy plants.
Thanks so much for stopping by!! It was almost 70 today so I finished getting the front porch and yard done..all except planting my annuals in the pots which will be in late May , before Memorial Day.. Joe worked in the back, cleaning up half of the patio..Tomorrow, we hope to get the rest of the patio cleaned up and set up before the rain comes again!!
I have a friend in Glen Allen, she doesn't live that far away from Lewis Gintner. I'll have to check out Lavender farms next time we are in the area. Thanks Betsy :)
Yes Denise, do check it out. Lot's of herbs and nice gift shop. I buy honey from there that's local.
Ginter is a place I love to go and have lunch. Beautiful place.
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