"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Monday, April 29, 2019

Happy Monday

It's chilly here today. I must say I like it this way.  Supposed to be 90 on Thursday.   I wanted to see some gardens but never got around to doing it as yet.  It's Virginia garden week and I must check the schedule to see what's left close by to maybe see.  I love seeing how others make their gardens and I love the whimsy in some with hanging ornaments etc..
Here is a few from my home a day ago I wanted to post before I forget.. First a happy house picture drawn by Adalyn

few azaleas I brought in

Bunny will have to be put back in his shed now

Getting somewhere finally with the raking and cutting.  Having to put down weed and feed.  We put down grub-x to see if the grubs will go somewhere else since they will have less to eat.  Will see.

Spinner at the lavender cottage as we call it now.

I have ajuga bugle weed growing at the base of the boxwood's.  Bees totally love them

Some peonies at the gate. I separated quite a few of these because they were spreading like weeds.

Clouds the other day I took.  Such a pretty display.

Just a little water fall with flowers on my back porch.

A mix of plants in a planter I have at the garage doors

I enjoy seeing the changing view of the Azalea when I get up in the morning

I think these two will finally have their heads together tonight as one.  I do like the bigger screen.  So nice to have an IT professional around the house.  THANK YOU WONDERFUL HUSBAND!!!!

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Happy Saturday

Still setting up and transferring to new computer but I think I can post o.k. on my Chrome Book.  Never have before.  I couldn't get it to work right, but seems to work now, don't know why.
Out in the yard the past few weeks and it shows on me.  I kinda wore the wrong shoes, oh heck I really had too much weight in the wagon with dirt and the front of my foot at the ankles are swollen and hurt. 

Looking out the downstairs window earlier in the day.

I started early tilling soil around the azaleas and in front of some Iris's there I will plant my zinnias.  Cant ever go wrong with zinnias.

Fringe tree or Grand daddy's beard as Mom always calls it.  It has scented the yard with the sweet fragrance. 

Looking out now towards the side gate

I found an azalea that must be growing from a root of the larger one.  I will move that somewhere, not sure where though.
The leaves have protected it.  

Hopefully be back on my PC soon. 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Happy Easter

My computer will be down so I am wishing one everyone a Happy Easter.
Switching over, needed an upgrade so I won't be posting a few days.
Had to share Moms picture with the Easter Bunny from last week's get together at the nursing home.

face painting

great grandma and genevieve

I made a spice cake for their bake sale, spice dripping with butterscotch frosting.

Derek brought Genevieve and they had to have the Easter egg hunt inside because it did rain.

Happy Easter Everyone -

He is Risen - Matthew 28:6

Friday, April 19, 2019

Good Friday post

Stormy and dark looking where I am.  Tornado watch in many areas.  I am pinned to the t.v. and radio for updates.  Please all be safe and heed the warnings. 
A little clip outside and the wind picking up at around 7 I believe this evening.  

Genevieve has a little strawberry on her plant at the playhouse. She's not here so I will eat it.  

I went to an awards ceremony for Adalyn today at school.  She has done a great job and proud of her.

I took her to breakfast at Cracker Barrel afterwards. 

Well computer getting slow because of weather.  I wanted to check in with other blogs I follow but will wait til after the storm.

Thursday, April 18, 2019


Was gorgeous for being out and planting.   Azaleas are blooming and not all are opening at once.  Get to enjoy them longer this way.

Looking towards side gate

This one is small flowered and double.

almost looks like a rose

white ones on side of house

Pink dogwood blooms are larger it seems this year.  The trimming of the tree I believe helped.

won't be long before Peonies are in bloom

White dogwoods did well also


Happy Thursday to all