"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Thursday, July 9, 2015

front yard gardens and whimsy

Some front yard gardens decorated nicely with some cute yard ornaments in the town of Ashland.
This one has a sweet penguin,  just the penguin and nothing else to take away from it,  made me want to take a closer look.

The nice lady who lived here showed Genevieve what was hidden in the yellow flowers

get a little closer still
A mermaid,  frog and lady bug

Genevieve liked it so much here - she wanted to go in.

Little village in the crook of the tree roots

The little clock is so sweet ,  table set for dinner - just adorable

nice home for sale,   cement fruit urns on either side of the walk

Now - he is just plain cute

a local green store here in Ashland  pictures.

I purchased one of these hanging pots from here earlier and have one hanging on my fence gate with volunteer petunias in it.

A planting sock

Above sculpture of fish definitely caught my eye,  so neat.
Re bar bent into shape of fish with saw in center, shears, railroad spike, lawnmower blade for fin, etc.

A healthy looking pot of plants in front of store.

That's all for now


Sigrun said...

Nice front garden decoration! I love the one with the Mc Donalds Figures, I think this is a garden of a child!


Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

How cute that the lady showed Genevieve the hidden treasures in the garden, and cute picture of her wanting to go inside! That's funny. You should write children's books about your grandgirls! That would be so cute!
The fairy garden is adorable and that house for sale is really a pretty one. I like the fish too.