"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A visit to Big Rock TN.

I took an 11 hour drive with Lynn (my sister) to visit my daughter and grandson .  She lives in a little valley between large hills or small mountains, my grandson calls them mountains.  I will post pics of her house tomorrow, we helped her paint her living and dining room.   She and her husband have some work to do, but the bones are good and it's only cosmetic work.
  I noticed some homes in her neighborhood are built into the rock,  really neat looking.
We went to visit the "land between the lakes".   Beautiful lakes for fishing or boating.   Lots of little snakes ,  didn't like that a bit..
Found some pretty blue rock there,  Lynn spotted it first, then she and Seth really went to work trying to out do  the other. 

Fixer upper

Beautiful country

Cant see them too well, but they are nesting Eagles.

TN. welcome center and fireplace with christmas lights

there were these pretty flower arrangements on the wall also.

I am still working on the floorcloth and so far here is what it looks like.  I dropped some green paint on the flower and now have to correct that. 

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