"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Some plantings

Welcome sunny Thursday and warmer.  I have some seedlings I started last Thursday pop up.   Indeterminate Tomatoes.  I ordered these from Burpee as they did so well last year.

They are called Mortgage Lifter 

Interesting story about this Tomato

This picture is from last year.

I have some Parisian Cucumbers also growing nicely so far.
These are supposed to be great for pickling and have small seeds.

I had to have these also.  Haven't popped up yet.  I soaked the seeds to give a start.

So far and so good.  I took a chance to see if this plant would over winter well.  I cut it back and now it has those runners.
Red Mandeville.  Here in zone 7 it will not take the harsh winter but seemed to like the porch.  Will have to see how it takes again to the outside. 

I love my new red wagon husband brought me yesterday. Of course the girls pulled themselves around it also.

 Girls rolling the hill at Lewis Ginter.  Nice days lately when it's not raining that is for being out of doors.

Soup the other night with fresh vegetables and some beef that was super tender.  I Sautéed it in my electric pressure cooker, then add vegetables with tomatoes, garlic and other spices to taste.   Hit the stew button and in very little time dinner is ready.  

Happy Thursday Everyone



Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Betsy, you certainly have a green thumb. I only had one nasturtium plant come up and it was short lived last year. I will try soaking to see if that works for me. I love that little flower for the scent and the decorating aspect. Your stew looks delicious. We must have been on the same wave length, I did a stew in the Instant Pot. It took 25 minutes to cook the whole thing. The bad thing was the meat that I got was really greasy so we had to skim off the fat, but after doing that it was delicious and didn't seem greasy at all. It was supposed to be good stew meat..Stay well..xxoJudy

Miss Merry said...

Gosh, that stew looks delicious! I love your seedlings. Now that March is here, I am getting anxious for spring. I think we might do a container vegetable garden this year. We tried it with some tomato plants last year and it worked out pretty well.

Betsy said...

I did containers also and it worked out well as long as I didn't let them dry out. Nothing better than a home grown sun ripe tomato.
Happy week end to you

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I sure like the looks of your stew, Betsy! With cooler temperatures tomorrow that would be lovely. Your seedlings are looking great. I must admit to not having much luck with them. Usually I wait and sow directly into the ground. The new patio is looking so nice. And your red wagon is a classic. I'm sure the girls will enjoy it along with you

mamasmercantile said...

That stew looks so tasty, the perfect meal for this time of year. I smiled at the new cart and imagined the girls pulling each other around and having so much fun.

Betsy said...

Thank you. It hit the spot with some grilled cheese sandwiches. Yes, the girls had fun. They have more fun going to the creek knee deep in mud. I must say I have fun with them also.

Betsy said...

Hi Martha, We had some crunch frost two nights ago. I set out strawberries so I hope they will be o.k. I feel like decorating the wagon filled with planted flowers in yard, but I do need it to pull pots around in. Happy Week end, betsy

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Betsy,
What a lovely sight to see new growth for the spring; it makes our souls happy!
Sure, for girls to be outdoors is a must, to get all energy released and for fresh air and vitamin D.
Did you ever check out my post about the indoor shutters, the ones that got messed up by the contractor while we were working/living in Indonesia and having our home built? Published it on February 21, you can find it: Solid Oak Shutters REDONE: Now Professionally Mortise Hinged by Husband Pieter
Hoping the sunny days will stay for a while as we did have more than our fair share of dreary dark and rainy days. Everything around here is so wet.

Betsy said...

You are so right Mariette about getting the girls out for fresh air and exercising those limbs and muscles. Mom always told us that we had to get vitamin D from the sun a little every day. I follow her advice.
I will check your post about your indoor shutters and let you know I did. I am thinking more and more about some in the bedroom.
It's still very wet here and water standing in some places. It's sun shiny today and we are going for a little ride to the Blue Ridge. I can't sit in long. I so love the out of doors.
Hugs to you Mariette,

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Betsy, being outdoors is a MUST for young and old. If you give that up, you're gone.
Love walking the dogs of a friend and it is good for both of us. Pieter is not allowed to walk, only bike as that does not put pressure on his knee. But it sure is lovely for being out in nature.
Your bedroom would be a perfect start for indoor shutters. Once used to them you will never want anything else.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I can not even think of planting as I still have several inches of snow in our front yard even though it has melted in the yards across from us where the Sun shines.... we will not get the snow in our front yard until April....
It is crazy to postpone the Saint Patrick's Day parades here until September where all the other towns have just cancelled them again for the second year...They should have just cancelled it like all the others did....
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
Stay safe, healthy and happy!!