"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Saturday post

Such a hot one today.  I didn't get out early enough to get much yard work done.  It was in the high 90's here and muggy.
Every thing will dry completely up if I don't water once a day and some things need it twice. 
The flowers below in the lady vase, as I call it, are dried.  My sister brought them to me from Maine early this year.  I sprayed some floral blue and purple spray on them to color. 

She is on a pedestal at the front entrance for now.

Just outside the front door is the zinnia that decided to put out roots while it was in a vase with water.  I didn't know they rooted this way.  Well I put the first one in this pot and it's still looking good after a few weeks.

Around to the back the only thing that seems to grow like a weed and needs some severe cutting back is the Pampas  grass.  The leaves are striped and it gets very tall.

Two more zinnias rooted while in the vase.   These I put in the pot by themselves.

This one is a greenish color.

So far they look pretty good and they will bloom until frost here, so I have a time to enjoy them

A rose I picked today

French Tarragon is looking good.  I picked some fresh for chicken salad.  Pecans or walnuts go in my chicken salad also.   

Chopped green apple or dried cranberries.  This time it was the cranberries along with the pecans.

Steve likes his salad with only pecans and always has soup.

Zinnia, Herons Pirouette as it's called begonia and the rose I picked earlier brighten my kitchen window.
 Good week end to all

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Basil Jelly

I gathered my basil this morning to make basil jelly, which I love.   The basil I grew is called spicy basil.  Definitely has a spicy flavor to it for sure and the scent is sweet.   I found a recipe from  "The Saucy Southerner" online and it worked with a cup less sugar than most of the other sites were calling for.  No extra juices like apple or lemon added.  Just plain Basil Jelly.   I did add a few pepper flakes to it.  Lids sealed as I took  them from the hot water bath.

I added a drop of yellow + blue food coloring to give it a pretty green color.

A little I have in a jar in the refrigerator for later over cream cheese and biscuits 

I followed the instructions and let it come to a rolling boil.  I hear or read where people say it doesn't set up and gel.  Mine did.   It said a rolling boil for a minute but I kept testing on a cold plate and it went over a minute.  


   I printed my recipe to use again.  I guess the site doesn't mind me using it here.  I give them credit.

The only salmon colored  Zinnia I have blooming.  The rest are pink, red, white and yellow.
Good Tuesday to all

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Happy Sunday

Out this morning walking with coffee, checking out the flowers and listening to the Cicadas.

These giant begonias are blooming at the house where there is part sun.  They grow and spread pretty quick but easy to contain

Peeking at me through the fence.

Coleus that I cut from another plant are growing nicely in the hanging pot.

These are my favorite.  I like how the petals are flecked with color.

Stopped at a vintage shop yesterday while out to the grocery store and found this sweet little sugar dish for $3.00.  I need to clean the top with some silver polish.

I found this frame for $3.00 also.  Will get rid of this shiny silver finish I think.  Maybe rub over it with a  white paint.

Another frame for $5.00 and I do like this one.  I will paint this a different color, maybe.  Does need some cleaning up so they will stay in the garage a while until that's done

While out, I noticed this mural in town.  I like it.

We had the grand girls Friday and took them to eat at a local diner.  They are excited about vacation in Myrtle Beach.

A little video from this morning

Happy Sunday everyone

Thursday, August 22, 2019

At home

Shadows look different these days that are cast in the yard.  September will be here before ya know it.

I hope it's o.k. to trim boxwoods now, because mine need it.

My cypress vine is supposed to be pink, white and red.  So far I only see pink and red.

Last night,  a little past 8 p.m. we had a storm coming and the sky (even though a little blurry) was so pretty.

Took the girls for a visit to my sister's house.

Inside her dining room she used a rose garland to run the cord from the chandy to the ceiling.  I like the roses and they are her favorite flower too.

Back out to put down some pea gravel in front of the girls playhouse

Hope all are staying cool in this muggy heat, well it's muggy here anyway.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Inside finished

The inside of the playhouse is finished, well as finished as it's gonna be for right now.  Painting in 90+ degree heat was a feat in itself for me. I feel my age now more than ever.
The children along with Opa moved in their table and chairs and some other play things.

Getting it into the back yard was a mess in November 2018

It was like this inside when we got it

I decided to paint the floor in a color the girls picked out.  It's porch paint and it went on thick.

They had to have breakfast in the Lavender Cottage this morning

Happy Tuesday to all

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Happy Wednesday

The days are starting to feel and sound like Autumn is close.  Not wishing my life away though.  I want to enjoy every day as I have it.  Time seems to move faster the older I get.

I purchased planting bags this year and put in potatoes.  First time for me.  I will do it again next year in the soil directly in the ground and see how it goes.  Didn't get a terrible lot, and probably dug too early, but enjoyed what I got.

Late at night I work on this diamond painting.  It's fun and relaxing but a little hard on the eyes after a while.  Look forward to finishing it.

After a while, the numbers and symbols for the little beads start looking alike.

Hope to finish the Lavender Cottage (girls decided to name it that) and show the pictures of the inside later or tomorrow, depending on how much I get done.  I finished all I am going to do except for caulk and today I am painting the floor with a floor paint.
Good day to all

Monday, August 12, 2019

Monday Monday

as the song goes.
Sitting here drinking coffee and getting ready to start chores for the day.  Would rather sit here all day and drink coffee.

Some bloomers still looking good.  Had to bring some inside to have something pretty to see coming down the stairs.

I planted a variety of zinnias this year.  I can't say that one is any prettier than the other.  They are all different.

Cardinal flower vine has just about taken over the lamp post.

Not looking particularly pretty but still some color.  Coleus I picked and put in the ground around the dogwood tree and they rooted.  Easiest plants to root.

Show offs.

Little blurry as the wind was moving it.  I didn't take time with camera settings.

Happy Monday