"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Monday, October 30, 2017

Still thriving

Colder weather and mild frost the other night did not do harm to these few plants outside.  Like these few peppers that have been growing in this pot since June.
They like this dirt.  I have picked quite a few off and more to pick I see today.

I let a few turn orange like this one is doing before I pick it.

Lettuce growing in a pot

Nasturtiums that had died back and looked hopeless because they do not like the hot sun.  Well they are back and now that I have a salad thing going on here with the lettuce and peppers,  I guess I will throw these in there also.

few more sprigs of lavender blooming.  I cut the bush back and it took off again.  I will use these few petals for cookies.

Front yard mums that were potted plants two years ago, maybe a little older than that.  The color is just as vibrant.

The dogwoods are not pretty this year as years past.  But still a little color.

That piece of stained glass in my window I made many years ago has the sun shining through in the morning with such pretty color on the wall.

New garage doors made all the difference in the world here.

The old ones had the old glass and were getting so rickety.  Very happy with these.

like that dappled sun showing on the front yard

Back inside are these miniature roses I purchased from Kroger 3 weeks ago.  They were spindly sticks with a few leaves and one dying rose bloom.  Now look at them.  I hope I can keep the going through the winter somehow.  The rose color is a striped Burgundy color.

Thanks for visiting - Betsy


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, WELL---we had our first frost LAST night.... It has been a very warm and dry Fall here... My spring Rhododendrons are blooming now and so are my Azaleas. Everything is all confused..... BUT--last night zapped a bunch of things especially my beautiful Canna Lily leaves.....

We cut our Roses back in the winter --and they'll come back strong in Spring...


mamasmercantile said...

I love miniature roses, a real delight.

Betsy said...

Any tricks or ideas for keeping them alive

krishna said...

I also want to know..

Suzy said...

I love it when the weather turns cooler and my flowers get that last surge of blooming!