"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Saturday, July 29, 2023


 Pretty flowers cut from the yard.  Not as many this year. Nothing did very well.  Moles and voles were horrible.  I had to put a lot of plants in pots in ground so they would not eat the roots.  Japanese beetles are terrible.  I will spray my crepe myrtles this coming week as I would like to see a few little flowers.  I am not eating them, so no problem.  

As you can see in the background, we are still trying to put the room back together after laying the floor.
Still so much to do.
White Panicle Hydrangea loves the heat and a lot of sun.  Cutting back on this harder was the best thing I did.  It's blooming much better afterward.

I did get a cabbage head that was a pretty good size I grew in a pot.  I may try in pots again next year.  The larger the pot, the larger the head.  I kept mesh netting on the cabbage to deter bugs. 

 Golden coleus is my favorite along with the Fairy Lantern growing at the lamp post. 
Now back to my room and floor.
Before, ugly carpet but it was good while it lasted.
After and so much better
New furniture to purchase for here and I am not sure of the color as of yet.  I am not even sure if I want another sectional.   Decisions are many right now.  

Window treatments are needed.

The floor is by Trucor and is water and scratch resistant vinyl planks.  I like the bright color as this room needs brightening. 

We missed getting rain again.   Always threatens but just doesn't happen.  Maybe tomorrow


Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Betsy,
Couldn't sleep due to pain so here I am reading some posts.
You will so much enjoy the new floor. Planks are so much easier to care for and they look much better. We got solid oak planks since 2007 and are so grateful we changed from our cotton/wool carpet!
We had heavy rain yesterday morning, guess that is also triggering my pain.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

In spite of all the issues of the summer, your garden looks lovely! We have whole condos full of voles! Also we as well have missed the rain that seems to elude our area. Your grass is a lot greener than ours. Your new floor looks good and ready for enjoyment. I'm so over carpet as well. We have hardwood everywhere except the basement. We need to look into changing that! Have a happy week and hopefully we'll both get our much needed rain.

Miss Merry said...

I think your flowers and yard look wonderful. I am calling ours an "abandoned vacant lot" look. We did not get rain for 30 days and then got too much. My lilies are all dead (I know they will come back next year) and the leaves which stay green until October are already brown. My bushes grew too much and I hate to trim them now that it's 100 degrees because I don't want to stress them. We won't discuss weeds. . . . .

Kim said...

Oh Betsy! It looks lovely!! What a great color and I love the wide planks. Great choice. I hope that you enjoy it!

DeniseinVA said...

Such a beautiful bouquet from your garden Betsy. The pinnacle hydrangea is pretty! Envious of your home-grown cabbage too. You must be very happy with your floor, and the new furniture. It all looks lovely! We were getting rain at night for a few days and that was great as we didn't need to water our plants for a while. Now we are back to no rain but there's no humidity and its cooler at the moment. That's great if you can consider 83 degrees cooler :) No humidity, that's the ticket!

Betsy said...

Sorry I didn't see this earlier. It didn't come to my gmail for moderation as it's supposed too. Will have to see what else is wrong. Getting no rain and hot weather makes for not wanting to go out to water either. Sad that the leaves didn't even have time to turn colors to enjoy. I had the tree men clip and trim boxwood near road. They looked horrible and had dead looking limbs. I took a chance but they always seem to come back and if not, a few couldn't look any worse. They have so far done well. Unless Steve pulls weeds, they grew and got clipped by me. I am starting to just call them ground cover. the few flower gardens I have are gonna be packed with stuff that grow in this area next year as I don't want to pull weeds so much now and have moles and voles eat them. They don't seem to mess with the native plants that grow in my area well, which aren't many.

Betsy said...

Hello Mariette, Having trouble again with moderating comments that are supposed to come to my email acct first. I have to keep going in and setting it up again evey so often. I have not done so well going into blogger to check for moderation there, I need to do that more often. I am so sorry that you are feeling so much pain. Horrible to not be able to sleep. I am so praying for your continued healing and to get a good painless good night sleep, waking feeling well and refreshed.
We do like the floor. I just got so tired of getting down cleaning carpet in corners of dust that couldn't be reached well with cleaner. Now I just run a duster or sweeper.
I do believe the heavy rain affects the way you feel, like joint pain. . My hip gets a dull pain before rain. My mama always said that her uncle could tell the weather by pain in his gums and joints. God Bless, Betsy

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...


Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Your blooms look lovely and so do your new floors!! So pretty!! We have been getting some much needed rain lately but in the form of storms....
Thanks so much for stopping by! I am still trying to wrap my head around twins!! It is going to mean a lot of changes...Should be very interesting!!