- Photos posted on my blog are mine unless stated otherwise. BH

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Cookie and Star

Addy and Genevieves sweet doggies.    Cookie the Sheepadoodle and Star the Australian shepherd look out for each other.  Cookie can open doors and come and go outside as she pleases.  She can open the round door knobs too.  She hears her buddy outside.

Never too hungry or busy to check on Star and Star wants in.


  1. That's so sweet how one takes care of the other!

  2. Such smart doggies! Hopefully they are safe as they come and go. Happy Thursday to you as well, Betsy!

  3. Dearest Betsy,
    Sweet post and those dogs no doubt are very good and loyal companions.
    Great that they are looking out for each other!

    1. Good evening Mariette,
      Loyal they both are. They are so funny to watch, when the grand girls are outside these two watch them and Star will actually herd them back if he sees they venture out to far. He has gently nipped at their heels to get them back. So funny to watch. Hugs, Betsy

  4. Betsy,
    That is absolutely adorable!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    I hope you have a great weekend!!


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