"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Friday, May 8, 2020

Happy Friday

I got up thinking that it was Thursday.  I am losing all track of time.   Today Genevieve, Adalyn and I will be in the yard painting.  They want to do Plein Air painting.  I don't know of what but they will find something interesting I am sure.

A vase of Peonies and one Iris I picked from the yard.  I put  a little hydrogen peroxide in the water This vase is four days old and I just took out the iris this morning.   The Peonies look fresh still.

Red one by the driveway

Got to get down that Weeping Willow that came out a little and then just died.  Don't know why.

When I visited my Sister this past September in Maine.  I picked a few Hydrangea and placed them in this wreath.   I sprayed with clear spray to help keep them from being so brittle.

In my downstairs bath, I placed this one huge white Peony in a vase.

The round box beside the flower is one I made from a purchased gift box and then covered in wallpaper I had and put a knob on top.  I used the screw to secure the knob to the top.  It holds an extra toilet paper roll

While taking care of things here at home. Genevieve made me a cross with popsicle sticks and some pipe cleaners.

Mock Orange at it's height of bloom 

Drying here are Peonies and some Chive Blossoms I picked.  I like the chives in cream cheese and dips. Nice mild onion flavor and look pretty too.
Yesterday we had  zoom meeting with Mom at nursing home.  Good to see her looking well and smiling.

Sunny nice day at the park and some snacks before the children rode their bikes on a trail here.  First the playground.

Well off to the outdoors to do some rock and plein air painting.


My Shasta Home said...

Beautiful photos. WE just cut down the mock orange shrubs because I am allergic to them. It's such a shame - they are so pretty when they bloom. We have still have some in other parts of our yard - they will probably get replaced one day.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Spring looks beautiful in your area. Happy painting!

Henny Penny said...

Peonies ore beautiful, aren't they? Yours surely are. I have only one peony bloom this year?? Your yard is pretty and I love the mock orange!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Betsy,
How sad in fact for having to have Zoom meetings for the elderly in the nursing homes... no human contact what they no doubt crave so for! May the world soon become normal again.
Your granddaughters are entering another spring that is full of learning and what a precious Peonies you grow!
Love those photos with them... also your toilet roll box.
Enjoy your time and here I notice that for you there is no boredom.

Betsy said...

Hello Mariette,
My sister was just saying the same thing about being able to visit mom. She thinks we should be at least see her a few minutes in the sunshine and keep distance. I am feeling the same way.
So far everything there is good and she looks good. We know a person who works at the home that says he checks on her for the family and sits with her when he is on duty in the day room when she can go. We are thankful for that.
We aren't bored for sure. Watching the girls everyday keeps us moving. Things should be returning to normal hopefully soon. People who want or need to stay in should and ones that go out and take precautions should be able too. We took them to the park to play and run and to ride their bikes with out having to worry about traffic. Felt good.
Best Wishes to you, Betsy

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Betsy, your peonies are beautiful! Mine are not quite there yet. That is so neat that the girls want to paint Plein Air. You do so many great things with them. I really miss our two youngest grands. We have not seen them since January.
We have a freeze warning this evening. I can't possibly cover everything and am quite anxious what I'll find in the morning.
Glad your mother is doing okay. I know it must worry you. Happy Mother's Day!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...


Cynthia said...

Your flowers are so pretty. Our hydrangeas aren’t blooming quite yet but I love three wreath you made and I’m going to try to make one this fall. I can just about smell those peonies — my favorite flower scent in the whole world.

Betsy said...

I think it's my favorite scent to Cynthia.

Angela said...

Thank goodness for zoom, skype and messenger. It could be worse. Your granddaughters are blessed to have you around and vice-versa. Wish my granddaughter lived closer, with them in another country I rely in messenger a lot. Your idea for the toilet paper box is very clever. I like it!! Have a safe week!

Betsy said...

I know it's hard when family lives so far away.
My grandson didn't get to see us much as he lived in different states and in Germany for 4 years. It is hard. Zoom makes it easier.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I love the pretty blooms and flowers.... Sweet cross that your grand daughter made.. I made the stupid mistake of planting peonies from my parent's yard on the outside of our fence....Then we put the privacy lattice up years later...I would dig them out but they are bugger's to try to transplant...
Thanks so much for stopping by!