" The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances". - Martha Washington

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Outside my window

The Goldfinch are here and they do love my zinnias.  I go out and the petals are pulled off on some along with the black eyed Susan.

I caught him outside our office window.

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  1. Love the finches!! They are gorgeous. We are happy to see them on our feeder. Lovely Summer creatures!

    1. They pretty little things. I enjoy watching them from my window.

  2. Beautiful finches, such a delightful colour.

    1. Beautiful color and I love their visits. You can see his little foot holding on to two stems.

  3. Dearest Betsy,
    Well even though my Sunday started off rather happy with the view of Hummingbirds coming to our feeder by the kitchen bay window (we missed them in the spring!) but then around 11:30 AM I got an App from my brother about Dad's passing...http://bit.ly/2J49iZH
    Feeling SO grateful for having made that trip home in time!

  4. I love these colorful guys. Beautiful shot.

  5. My Mom used to grow Zinnias.. I have never had them in our yard although I like them.

    Love our colorful Goldfinches. They are constantly at our bird feeders....

    Happy 4th,

  6. Awesome capture! And what a pretty bird!

  7. Pretty little goldfinch. We love watching them on the feeder.
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2019/07/color-guard.html

  8. Betsy,
    So pretty!! I saw one the other day...I have been trying to get a photo of a red cardinal that has been around our yard to no avail though...Can I ask you when the stiffness in your knee finally went away if it did at all??? Something , especially in the morning, I feel like my knee weighs a ton. And I still can not sleep in a bed yet because I have an overwhelming urge to lat on my side and I just can not do it...


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