"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Thursday, April 4, 2013

taking a peek

Addy found a spot to view sheep through the fence
this the Meadow Farm Park

this fence locked for good reason

I am a fan of fences so check out more at
fridays fences


Chatty Crone said...

Are those your fences? And animals? And little one? san die

Elizabeth Edwards said...

awww, too cute. Addy will be much taller one day soon. but for now she look very tiny compare to those fences. ( :

Janis said...

very nice fence shots...welcome to FF

Rose said...

I like all the shots, but a real big fan of the first one!

Faye said...

The cute-o-meter just went off big time with that first photo! Bet this little munchkin loves to visit you and the animals. You live in a very special place--or at least it seems so from these photos.

A Colorful World said...

I love the wooden building and fences on your property! They have such a great "look." Is the building old? And cute little sweetie!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Betsy. I love your wreath with the lillies and butterfly and you share such beautiful photos of your surroundings. Little Addy is such a sweetie pie. How much fun to see places through her eyes. I miss that for sure..Happy Wednesday..Judy

Cranberry Morning said...

That's a great fence too, and I'd stay away from that longhorn. Once in the Cotswolds we were on a public walking path and didn't notice that we had strayed until we saw a bull in the pasture. Yikes! We did get out and were much more careful to watch for signs after that. :-)