"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Monday, May 3, 2010

Saturday Yardsale find

There were so many yardsales going on Saturday and of course I had to stop at a few of them.  I found a desk,   it's in pretty good shape.  I needed one for the upstairs bedroom and this will do until I find something else,  it was just $5.00, couldn't pass it up.
Pictures will enlarge when clicked on
the lamp was only 2 dollars. will go in the bedroom

I bought this picture for the frame and it was 2 dollars
After shopping, I had to get back to the dirt.
There is a planting area next to the garage that I plant tomatoes and peppers. Sometimes the moles kill them as they burrow around the roots.   I  removed the dirt , placed down chicken wire, then covered it back
over.   They will have a hard time burrowing now.

I bought this wire basket at the dollar store and lined it with natural material , filled with dirt, then cut holes in it to fill with flowers and other plants.  I hadn't  quite finished when I took this pix.
Been cutting the limbs on the azalea to shape like a tree. 
At the end of my sidewalk I have two pots with these petunias, they remind me of
morning glories.
Peony near the garage in bloom
some clippings from my fringe tree,  smells so sweet in the dining room.


Anonymous said...

You found some wonderful treasures for your home! I think that I need to go to garage sales more often! thanks for sharing about the moles...not sure if we have them around here yet but we plan to garden along the garage and this chicken wire trick may come in helpful! Hope you have a great week! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi mom

I just got through reading and looking at the blog. I love it. The rug is beautiful. I want one. The picture of seth on the bill board is so addorable. how did you do that. that is neat.

love annette