"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden and the Roses

Some Photos of the Roses as they are at their peak blooming period now.   On my way to the rose garden, there are other plants and trees in bloom, like this Kousa dogwood, loaded with flowers.

Creative designs with plantings

I have this plant in a vibrant pink, but this is the first time I have seen one with white flowers

One of my favorites here - Portulaca
They will bloom all summer and like the hot weather

The Rose Garden , with lovely stone structure
The scent from the Roses filled the air

close up of rose on trellis

 spent blooms are clipped down to the 3 leaves on the stem
Some couples have their wedding in the rose garden
which means that someone is always tending them 

Crossing the bridge to the Childrens area , we saw these Glass Sculptures in the water
You can see their reflections


Suz said...

Your photos are so beautiful I could almost smell the roses!! Lovely blog.

Teresa said...

Liebe Betsy,
ich freue mich Dich als Leserin gewonnen zu haben. Danke! Ich schreibe leider schlecht Englisch zum Glück verstehe (lese) ich aber besser. Ich freue mich aber auf diesem Weg Deinen Blog kennen gelernt zu haben.
Liebe Grüße

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous day and such a beautiful place to spend it! Thank you for bringing us along too, Betsy! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi mom

It is beautiful. Wish we could have been there. Gorgeous day. We will have to go when we come down.