"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden and the Roses

Some Photos of the Roses as they are at their peak blooming period now.   On my way to the rose garden, there are other plants and trees in bloom, like this Kousa dogwood, loaded with flowers.

Creative designs with plantings

I have this plant in a vibrant pink, but this is the first time I have seen one with white flowers

One of my favorites here - Portulaca
They will bloom all summer and like the hot weather

The Rose Garden , with lovely stone structure
The scent from the Roses filled the air

close up of rose on trellis

 spent blooms are clipped down to the 3 leaves on the stem
Some couples have their wedding in the rose garden
which means that someone is always tending them 

Crossing the bridge to the Childrens area , we saw these Glass Sculptures in the water
You can see their reflections

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Cadiz - a city in the county of Trigg, Kentucky. It is the county seat and is located close to the Land Between the Lakes, it also was base of Union and Confederate operations in the American Civil War.  Buildings from the late 1800's and early 1900's still dominate the city. Located on the Southwestern edge of the Pennyroyal region.  Bound by Tennessee state line to the South and by Kentucky lake to the West.  The county was named for Col. Stephen Trigg, a native of Virginia who was a soldier who came to Kentucky in 1779 as a land commissioner and after he finished his work, he moved on and was fatally wounded in the Battle of Blue Licks - August 19, 1782.

  There is a book Called The History of Trigg County by William Perrin in 1884, but does not say how Cadiz got it's name.  

Cadiz Christian Church was founded on August 1 1842 by 24 people

Nice shops in town

Victorian homes

this one had some pretty stained glass in front windows

decorated pigs - I understand that there is a ham festival the second week in October
To raise awareness of it , businesses and homeowners buy the pigs and decorate for the sidewalks

Lynn with sherriff pig

Monday, May 10, 2010

Spring Flowers in the Country

My sister and I went to visit our sister in law in the country and took in the beauty of her spring plantings and many flowers.  We had lunch and got to visit with the grand nieces also.  Here are some pictures around her yard.
Back yard picture of peonies taken in front of vegetable garden

I like this shot of the water pump

I had to get these close up, so vibrant

a picture of a few of the many roses in Wanda's garden

We walked further to the back and here is the garden shed with climbers

In a few more weeks , these will be thick with blooms
They are planted at the den window and make for a gorgeous view from inside

Lilly of the valley - blooming has finished for the season
pretty hanging basket on front porch

I like the contrast of the pink against the black planter

Here is the front of the house - where I should have started the tour, but doesn't matter
the back yard as well as the front is beautiful

close up of shrub

she is a cutie pie

Krissy and sister Kendall -

Here is sister Devan
( I hope I have the spelling correct)

Delaney the oldest sister and a big helper for Mom

Inside we got to see some art my nephew is working on
He  made this lamp out of clay and sculpted even the little flower on the top side
 he wired it and gave as gift for to his mom

my nephew keith made this engraving on rock.   He draws everything freehand.
I really like this one

Another carving on a rock.  Beautiful!