"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Saturday, May 2, 2009

May 2nd

Beautiful overcast day with occasional rain showers, so nice to see the pollen
wash away. Dogwoods are dropping their blooms, azaleas are not far behind.
The tree I call "granddaddy's beard' is just in full bloom, smells like honeysuckle. This beautiful shrub or tree was here when we moved here 2 years ago.

Granddaddy's beard

I decided to make some fresh veggie soup with cabbage, carrots , celery, garlic, onion, tomatoes
and potatoes. Tuna salad sandwich and fruit. Trying to keep healthy eating here and shed a few pounds.

I got my mom's day gift today from my daughter Annette.She sent a homemade bar of oatmeal soap and the fragrance is called "Butt Naked". It truly does smell great.

I also rec'd chocolate dipped spoons for coffee along with peanut butter fudge, and a beautiful piece of artwork from my grandson .

Seth made this painting with spray paints. He wants me to show him how to make a frame when he comes to visit in June. They are in Fort Campbell Kentucky, seems right around the corner since they were previously in Schweinfurt Germany.
He used canned spray paint (outside of course) and just freehand sprayed it on.
He's a sweetie. A pix of a school pix, little blurry.

Threw some flowers I found and some I purchased in a vase for my bedroom, I just noticed from this picture that they are not quite arranged right. Oh well.

Granddaddys beard and purple azaleas from my garden

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