" The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances". - Martha Washington

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Wow, and just like that, September is gone

Photo from Pinterest

My front porch 
I will be adding some Halloween ornamentation soon.

Kitchen window
My little gourd carved jack o lantern on my jalousie porch
We had lunch in town of Ashland Va. last Wednesday at the Caboose Market and Cafe
I like how the side of the building is painted like caboose cars

When we left, it was raining pretty good.

Steve's lunch, hot dogs made in Richmond Va. with meat from a local farm

I had Pimento spread and chicken salad with crackers 
Meats are local 
we like that
It was served on a slate platter
very good

My cappuccino 

Homemade soup of cabbage, carrots in a broth with sausage
I forget the name, but it was a German type of soup

Cyanotype prints for sale hanging on the wall
I have some of this paper I have never used and seeing how pretty these
are made me get it out, but will have to wait for some sunshine.

That's it for now 
Happy October One


  1. Dearest Betsy,
    Well, this will be the most memorable September ever. With Hurricane Helene passing through on September 26. What a noise and the thud when a big tree fell onto the house across from us.
    Had no power for almost 5 days so became a shut in as the garage doors open electrically...
    No damage to the house. Only both bridges destroyed and the tall Italian Cypress down next to the balcony/drive way and one tree near greenhouse.
    Have not been around but knowing that the death toll in the South is over 120 says it all. We have several deaths in town as well.

    1. I can sympathize with it being an ordeal but so happy for your safety through it all. Praying for all that were affected by Helene. Hugs, Betsy

  2. Cute menu! Everything sounds so good. I have some of that paper. I keep meaning to use it with my grandkids someday. It looks great framed.

    1. Me too Miss Merry, I got the paper for use with my grand girls. Just waiting for some sun.


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