"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Monday, April 15, 2024

Azaleas in bloom

Azaleas are putting on a show.  Didn't look like they were going to be very pretty in the beginning, but they are for sure.  I clipped some back almost a foot last year after blooming. Didn't hurt them a bit.  I think it helped with as thick with blooms that they are.  I did feed them and laid down more mulch.

  The dogwoods in rear yard were not pretty this year.  We took out three because they cut out so much light in the back.  There are three left and that's enough.  

view from my bedroom window.

The ones below I cut almost a foot off.  They look better this year. 

view of white dogwood from office window

I like the view from upstairs guest bedroom. The Crepe Myrtles will be bursting with color in a few months.  I hope the Japanese Beetles are not too hard on them this year.  We do have problems with them.  

These trees near creek bed area. Right away I noticed how they were casting shadows.  

Little violets growing near by.
I picked some azaleas and brought inside

My favorite azalea.  Color is a cross between red and orange.

Inside and this huge picture I have been deciding if I want to keep it hung where it is.  I hang it at summer. It was over bed downstairs in guest room.  I may put it back.  
The sofa we have had for 21 years.  American Heritage lasts and lasts.  I am tired of it actually but it's in such good shape.  Fabric is so sturdy. I am tired of damask at the moment.   looking to buy slip covers but some of them can be just as expensive as a new sofa.   What to do, what to do. 
Took Genevieve to Sweet Frog here and she had me take a picture of her yoghurt cup.  She said she made a swan.  Had to share because it does resemble one.

She is such a sweetheart.  Her sister is too but she wasn't with us this day. 

I ordered me this book about potting sheds, I need a potting shed. I am making a mess everywhere else.

I think I will just park myself in this chair with my book and read awhile.

A short little video of outside

Good day everyone


Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Betsy,
Your azaleas sure are a showcase!
Dogwood trees are not very sturdy either, they tend to be lanky, almost branch like.
As for your exceptional quality sofa—that is a keeper.
You will regret it when replacing it with an inferior one and just for looks—NO!
Enjoy the spring unfolding and hoping the weather is good. So glad that we have no longer those wind gusts.

Betsy said...

Good Monday evening Mariette, I am feeling that maybe keeping it also. I may just get some slip covers. I just would like something a little more modern and sleeker lines. Maybe I will switch things up with two casual chairs instead. Yes, it's made in America and wood frame. Husband wants to keep also.
The wind gusts are gone and has moved all of the wet out or dried things out I should say. Yes indeed I am enjoying the spring and hope you are too.
I love my flowers and sad to see it when the azaleas bloom out. The white ones turn an ugly brown. Hugs to you, Betsy

Miss Merry said...

I love your flowers! You are ahead of us here and those colors are just so gorgeous! What a fun partner to go to the yogurt shop!

Betsy said...

Thank you Miss Merry. I look forward to seeing azaleas flower every year.
We do love sweet frog. I wish they carried the coffee flavored more often.

Kim said...

Your yard is just beautiful and your azaleas remind me of the ones my mom had in our yard for years. I miss them...and her. As far as your sofa goes, I get it, we just replaced our old workhorse of a couch. It took me forever to find something of equal quality, but it was pricey and only time will tell if it holds up as well after almost 20 years like the older one did. I would say if you can go the slipcover route it might be the way to go.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for your visit and for your prayers... It has been gratefully appreciated....As you know, Joe passed away peacefully and comfortably in a Hospice Unit on April 16th...
Debbie-Dabble Blog