"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Spring kinda

Spring kinda comes and goes these past few weeks.  We have frost but didn't hurt anything.  I didn't cover any plants.  No point.  Most are hardy and a little frost won't hurt them.

Seeds of Nasturtiums are coming up and I have more to put in the ground.  I think they do better when planted directly in soil.    Allow the plants to rot into the soil after growing season to add nutrients, calcium is one.   I let them die back in the pots and I just plant whatever else I choose to plant in the same soil next season. 
Strawberry bed gone wild. I extended to two smaller beds and that should be it.  These are every bearing and June bearing mixed. 
Chives planted in with pine berries.  They are white and taste a little like pineapple.  Well they taste like that to me anyway.

Should get quite a bit off of the Pine berries this year. 
Yarrow is thicker this year and will have to be divided but I do like the pretty green color of the feather leaves. 

Peonies will be opening soon.  I do not think they will be as pretty because it is rather chilly tonight. 
We still have our gas fireplace going most evenings.

Next few days this whole azalea will be bloomed out.

Bunny on my fence. I don't mind this one. there are some real ones running around and I put barriers up so they won't get the plants I know they love to eat.  
Dianthus blooming so pretty at lamp post. I have petunias and Sweet William in there too. 

In the far back yard.  Husband is tillering me a small area to plant. I will put in some tomatoes and beans.  Maybe peppers although they did wonderfully well in pots for me last year on the patio.
I will put rat wire down and then dirt on top and place cinderblocks around the sides.  I will have to put up a fence to keep deer out. 

Deer will come right out of those woods.  I will be late planting this year.  Nothing can do well anyway with this crazy off and on-again cold weather we are having. 

Granddaddy's beard (fringe tree) blooming beautifully and oh so fragrant again this year. 

I was using my cell phone camera capturing a picture of the moon a few nights ago. It was big and bright and so close to the earth.

Good evening, until next time


Monday, April 15, 2024

Azaleas in bloom

Azaleas are putting on a show.  Didn't look like they were going to be very pretty in the beginning, but they are for sure.  I clipped some back almost a foot last year after blooming. Didn't hurt them a bit.  I think it helped with as thick with blooms that they are.  I did feed them and laid down more mulch.

  The dogwoods in rear yard were not pretty this year.  We took out three because they cut out so much light in the back.  There are three left and that's enough.  

view from my bedroom window.

The ones below I cut almost a foot off.  They look better this year. 

view of white dogwood from office window

I like the view from upstairs guest bedroom. The Crepe Myrtles will be bursting with color in a few months.  I hope the Japanese Beetles are not too hard on them this year.  We do have problems with them.  

These trees near creek bed area. Right away I noticed how they were casting shadows.  

Little violets growing near by.
I picked some azaleas and brought inside

My favorite azalea.  Color is a cross between red and orange.

Inside and this huge picture I have been deciding if I want to keep it hung where it is.  I hang it at summer. It was over bed downstairs in guest room.  I may put it back.  
The sofa we have had for 21 years.  American Heritage lasts and lasts.  I am tired of it actually but it's in such good shape.  Fabric is so sturdy. I am tired of damask at the moment.   looking to buy slip covers but some of them can be just as expensive as a new sofa.   What to do, what to do. 
Took Genevieve to Sweet Frog here and she had me take a picture of her yoghurt cup.  She said she made a swan.  Had to share because it does resemble one.

She is such a sweetheart.  Her sister is too but she wasn't with us this day. 

I ordered me this book about potting sheds, I need a potting shed. I am making a mess everywhere else.

I think I will just park myself in this chair with my book and read awhile.

A short little video of outside

Good day everyone

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Feeling more like Spring today

 Warmer the next few days I hear.  Will be out cleaning a few beds and trimming boxwood.  I get a little scared when I start pruning those.  I am always waiting for a snake to stick his head out as I know they hide in the warmth of them sometimes and if there are birds' nests, the snakes go there to get them.  Still it must be done. 

These are just a few on one side.  I am thinking about replacing them.  They were twice as high when we first moved in in 2007. 

Here a few down the side fence.  These are thick and are true box and I believe some I have that are called box are a holly.  They all trim up well and stay green all year.

Larger in the front, no fun to clip.  The large mass across street are honey suckle growing on shrubs of some sort.   I am constantly pulling honey suckle from yard and bushes.  Do not like it in my yard.  Runs forever around plants and anything else it can grab onto. 

Next are pictures of a few more plants in yard for Spring.
I made these tulips Mole proof.  Planted in the fall in plastic pots.

I purchased this pot for some strawberries I pulled from the ground.  Hope they live.
 Lavender, kept in pots to clip.  The stalks are thick.
Tiny Tim tomatoes which are a little dwarf cherry that can live in no smaller than 6 in pots. Am seeing mushrooms in with them. Boxcar Willie tomatoes indeterminate growing also. 

Dwarf Snapdragon that never really died back all the way in this pot.   The little box next to it is a shoot I pulled from the ground 3 seasons ago

I went to the car to get my earrings I left in there given to me by a friend and just had to take a picture of the sparkle when sun hit them.   So sparkly
A thrift find.  I paid $115.00 and thought a good price.  It almost looks like a writing desk when the mirror is taken off. 
Not really happy with the color but it'll work.
It's oak.

Last night around 10:45, there was a loud boom and then a shake with the windows in office rattling some.  Scared the heck out of me.  It was a 2.1 quake, but it was still scary. 

Til next time 🌹