"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving

 Wishing everyone A very Happy Thanksgiving!

Mom turns 102 on Thanksgiving this year.  She was born November 23, 1921 in Chase City Va. 

God has certainly blessed my family.

She reads her bible, prays and says her prayers every night as long as I can remember.  I heard her several times giving thanks for her children and calling all of us by name. She is always smiling, even when she feels under the weather.  

We had a Thanksgiving lunch with her on Tuesday where she lives now, and she ate everything.

She was hitting that balloon back and forth to us at the table.  I just can't get over how great her reflexes are.  She plays a mean game of checker and scrabble and so far always beats me.  

Her lunch and the plate was clean.  She still had room for pumpkin pie.

Today I got some dishes ready for tomorrow.  A head start and now just need to put them in the oven to cook.  
I made the cheese sauce for the macaroni and cheese.  I will put that together tomorrow with extra cheese for the noodles.

cooking the cranberries with juice squeezed from oranges and some sugar. 

Collards cooking with just a little salt, olive oil and lemon juice to perk it up. I like bacon drippings in it too but the oil is fine with me.  I like it better this way I think more.   
I have other vegetables to cook , some dressing, potatoes and succotash.  What we don't eat, I will freeze or send home with the children. 

I have yams parboiled and mixed in with maple syrup, marshmallows, spices , butter and a little orange juice.  A peek of them in the fridge.

I froze apples from the orchard and made them into this apple crumb pie.
Here it is in the oven.  I put some fresh cranberries in there too. 

I did purchase a frozen cherry pie but think I may save it for Christmas now.  I did make a pumpkin and cheese cake.

Well off to get some other things done like cleaning a very messy kitchen 

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.



DeniseinVA said...

How wonderful Betsy! Your Mom is certainly a great blessing. Good idea to get a head’s start on the meal. Everything sounds wonderful! Wishing you all A Very Happy Thanksgiving!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Betsy,
Congrats to your Mom for her 102nd Birthday—that is remarkable. Dad was from January of 1921 but he 'only' reached 98.5...
You have been very industrious at home for serving a delicious and healthy meal to your lucky family.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Betsy said...

Thank you Mariette. Today was a good day and very tired now. Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs, Betsy

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...


The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Your Thanksgiving dishes look wonderful, Betsy! All that cooking and baking has me exhausted! Your mother looks great--What a blessing for you to have her still. I miss my Mama, especially now, but have great memories to visit. I trust you had a lovely Thanksgiving. Have a great weekend, my friend!

Betsy said...

Thank you Denise. Happy Thanksgiving.