"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Monday, January 3, 2022

Yay, Snow!

Beautiful snow this morning.  Sunday was warm but things changed very fast after the rain early hours Monday morning.

I am a little disappointed that I did not remember to plant my tulip bulbs.  I still will and hope they bloom for the spring.

short video



Denise said...

Wow Betsy, you got a beautiful snow!! Ours was very pretty too; it just didn't last long enough. I'm so glad we got one though, as I missed having snow last winter. It's supposed to be 22° here tonight, and it's already quite cold. We had our windows open in the house on Christmas day, and people have been running their a/c just a few days ago.

I hope you had a good Christmas and best wishes to you for a happy, healthy 2022.


Denise at Forest Manor

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Betsy,
WOW, towards the end, when the sun came out, that snow looked magical!
We too had warm weather in the 80s and yesterday strong wind and rain and all night wind. Now it is nippy!
Enjoy it while it lasts.

Betsy said...

Hi Mariette, tonight about 22 degrees and crunchy ice. I love hearing the wind at night. As long as it doesn't blow down any trees. Hugs, Betsy

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Betsy, here it is also rather chilly... Did sleep like a rose!
Oh, we both were so glad we had our trees done in time. Always scary around your property.

Miss Merry said...

We were supposed to get snow, but we really got just a dusting but COLD weather!!! I don't mind looking at it out the window, but I don't want to be outside!

Betsy said...
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Betsy said...

I remember sleeping so well with winds howling down every night in Germany while visiting my daughter. I miss that good sleep. I miss how everything was pure dark at night and no sounds. Glad you can sleep so well now after the danger of the trees falling have been taken care of. Hugs betsy

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Back then we all could sleep a lot tighter and all night through. Now I have to get up at least 4-6 times... But usually I fall right back to sleep again.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

We may be getting some snow on Friday...I hope we do !! Thanks so much for stopping by!! Happy New Year to you and your family!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!