"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Happy Sunny Sunday

Just come in from watering my plants and now thinking about going to Home Depot to purchase some more petunias.  They have color all through the summer for the pots and ground.  Seems like the more I trim them, the more they grow thicker and more blooms.

In the pot at the steps are zinnia that I put there as seed and they are growing very well.

I have a mum in this pot that I picked off two stems and as you can see they have already rooted from a few weeks ago.  They are teeny but grow fast.


Yesterday morning it was just as pretty with shadows cast on back yard along with a picture of my mini rose that is loaded with blooms

Peas with blooms.  I have a few more plants of them in the bed nearby

A birthday gift for Steve and I placed it at his office window.  Like the way he flaps his wings in the wind.
 A week and a half ago.  The children painting pictures outside.  I ask them to paint something that was out in the yard.   Adalyn painted horses, Genevieve painted the beach with sand.  Neither is in my yard, but they wished so I imagine.

I moved sweet williams and hopefully next year there will be more when they re seed.  

Had to share a picture Genevieve drew of her holding hands with Great Grandma.  She showed it to her on zoom and will mail it to her.  I told mom I would drop her off a strawberry shake and of course she loved that idea.  We were met at the front and the lady we always talk to took it straight to her.  

More pictures from our walk around the town of Gordonsville in Orange County Va.

Of course I just like looking at the pretty potted plants.  Window shopping not bad either as I saved some money.

Must try this French restaurant when the doors are open for dinner again.
 Happy Sunday

Monday, May 18, 2020

Monday Monday

What a dreary and drizzly day.  Was hoping to get some seeds planted but will have to wait til the days are a little dryer.  Did plant tomatoes a few days ago.

Out this morning and this beautiful tea rose which is over 15 years old and has moved with me twice.  Wish I had the name but do not.
Water droplets stayed on as I picked and brought on the porch.

A red rose of mine I took on Sunday in the sunshine.  

tea rose in front yard in front of my boxwoods.  This one of the six that was in the Valentines day pot I purchased from Walmart in 2019, they are called miniature roses.  I took them all out and planted.  Three survived.  

Sweet William I have growing in front of my hydrangea

My husbands birthday was the 11th and the children fixed dinner of shish ka bob chicken and beef.  
Also another one of his favorites is bratwurst.   
Enjoyed it so much.

I told him to hold on for a minute but he woofed it down too fast.  That long green thing is asparagus he devoured and all cooked on the grill.

Cant see the greeting on the cake too well, I got the gel instead of the frosting tube.   Publix makes the best truffle cake.  Such smooth chocolate layer of vanilla and chocolate ice cream with a layer of chocolate cake.  They make the best cakes I have ever eaten and I have eaten many.

The girls made him presents and they are such sweet thoughtful children.  Genevieve made him a mat and a cross.  

Adalyn made him a caterpillar and he even has eyes.   she cut squares of felt and pierce a hole in them and then put a string through them.  

She made her gift box from paper bowls.

A delicious recipe for onion soup I found on Lady Carnarvon's Website.  I made it and topping it off with truffle oil really made it for me.  So delicious. 
Found on the site below along with other recipes I will try also.
I think I like this better than my favorite French onion soup now. 

click   Lady Carnarvon 

I made mini muffins with Martha Washington Cream Cheese and Strawberry mix for breakfast Sunday and added walnuts.  It was good.  

til next time


Friday, May 8, 2020

Happy Friday

I got up thinking that it was Thursday.  I am losing all track of time.   Today Genevieve, Adalyn and I will be in the yard painting.  They want to do Plein Air painting.  I don't know of what but they will find something interesting I am sure.

A vase of Peonies and one Iris I picked from the yard.  I put  a little hydrogen peroxide in the water This vase is four days old and I just took out the iris this morning.   The Peonies look fresh still.

Red one by the driveway

Got to get down that Weeping Willow that came out a little and then just died.  Don't know why.

When I visited my Sister this past September in Maine.  I picked a few Hydrangea and placed them in this wreath.   I sprayed with clear spray to help keep them from being so brittle.

In my downstairs bath, I placed this one huge white Peony in a vase.

The round box beside the flower is one I made from a purchased gift box and then covered in wallpaper I had and put a knob on top.  I used the screw to secure the knob to the top.  It holds an extra toilet paper roll

While taking care of things here at home. Genevieve made me a cross with popsicle sticks and some pipe cleaners.

Mock Orange at it's height of bloom 

Drying here are Peonies and some Chive Blossoms I picked.  I like the chives in cream cheese and dips. Nice mild onion flavor and look pretty too.
Yesterday we had  zoom meeting with Mom at nursing home.  Good to see her looking well and smiling.

Sunny nice day at the park and some snacks before the children rode their bikes on a trail here.  First the playground.

Well off to the outdoors to do some rock and plein air painting.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Rainy days again

Today was rainy and gloomy all day except for a few hours later this afternoon.
Felt like crawling back into bed.   Got not one thing accomplished today except for dinner and doing dishes, well some laundry.  So many other things to catch up on.

Wednesday the day before I baked rolls.  Very disappointed I let them rise too long and they fell some, but that's o.k. because they were still moist and tasted good along with roast and chicken breast for dinner.

They were moist and tasty.

Dinner on Wednesday

I picked this rose from son and daughter in law rose bush.
So unique with the same petal perfectly pink on half with deep pink on the other. Never Have I seen one like this  before.

My floribunda rose blooming at the side of house

grand daughter loves the grape scent of the iris

My peonies are not pretty this year like last year.

there are several of these azaleas that were so tiny last year that I think just are growing from the root of the larger one.  They are popping up in a few places and this one bloomed this year.

I picked what is growing now as I like having real flowers in the house

My sister in Maine sent  me this picture of a wreath she made with her grapevines and hydrangea from her yard.
A copy of the May June issue and loving going through the pages.

Yes yesterday was so sunny and pretty

I put my gargoyle out on the gutter on the garage.  It threw the water away from the drive there.
From the old French word, gargouille.  To rinse or wash the throat, gargle.  Also came from the Greek word gararizein, meaning to wash the throat.

A short video of Wednesday and Genevieve thinking the bees were taking all the honey from the flower and making it die.  We had a talk about it so she would know what they were doing and why and it wasn't hurting the flower.
Second part is Thursday and the rain.  What a lazy day it was.
