"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Friday, January 31, 2020

A few things

Well, what happened to winter? I must have missed it.
 Seems to be more like spring weather.  I hope our azaleas and other shrubs do not put out buds too early only to have a late snow or freezing temperatures ruin them.

I should be working on inside chores but this puzzle husband gave me for Christmas is keeping me occupied at the moment.
Only 500 pieces but somewhat challenging as there are so many pinks and blue and black pieces that make up the rocky shore.

Eating light last night.  Yes, I like Brussel sprouts.  Frozen from the grocer and tasted just as good to me as fresh.  Baked on a tray in the oven.  I put a little olive on them with pepper and a very little salt.  Soup was so easy.  Campbells tomato with pepper, tiny bit of butter and fresh parmesan on top.  This colorful soup and sandwich set was given to us from DIL Miranda and I love using it.     

later in the evening there was a homemade apple pie I made from some very tart Winesap  apples I brought back from my sisters house in Maine this past  September.  I wish I could have gotten more.  Never had an apple this good.   Cut up, added spices and a little corn starch and flour, tossed together and froze in a pie pan.  I took it from the pie pan and placed the shape in a pie crust I made, baked.  The top has oatmeal, brown sugar, butter and a little flour mix to crumble on top.

Out of the oven.

I love this green ware set of dessert plates and a cake plate my sister gifted me.  Sweet little salt and pepper shakers from her also.
I remember Mama having a set of dessert glasses and some other green ware, don't know what happened to them, guess all broken as time went on.   I would love to have a dinner ware set like this.  I just like the feel and green milk glass look with the little raised beading.  I guess it's like Hobnail?

Ya know, I do like a piece of sharp cheddar on top of a warm apple pie, but not this time.

Monday we took the girls to the science museum which they love visiting.  Giant insects on display.  The girls were amazed especially when they saw that they actually moved.

This giant cricket was the first on the exhibit to see as we walked in.

The horned beetles in the background were moving also. They were showed in a fight locking their horns(I guess that is what they are called) . 

Adalyn proud of a rubbing she did of a cricket along with Genevieve

The pictures of bugs clicked on will make their sounds.  G.V. covered her ears. I don't think she likes bugs anyway, and now less probably.  

A short clip of some bugs

Lunch at the cafĂ© at the museum.  They are adding more to their menu and it's a good place to get a bite. 
Well that is it for today
Happy Weekend Everyone

Sunday, January 26, 2020


Beautiful Sunset last night.  Looked like fire in the sky at times.

I zoomed in on this one

Sharing with   image-in-ing

Friday, January 24, 2020

Happy Friday

Warmer today in the 50's.  Setting us up for the big one I guess when it's this warm after some really cold days and nights.  I am still leaving this little tree up with twinkle lights and snowman skier.

After finishing my chairs.  I feel this room needs some updating.
I like the rose curtains but the border bugs me and a change is good.  My daughter usually likes to sleep in this room when she visits.  She said it's cozy.
You can see I took this while the  wreaths were still at the windows.  They did stay up a while.

Cuban bread.  I decided it was time to make cuban sandwiches.
Steve loves them.  This recipe was taken from    http://icuban.com/food/pan_cubano2.html.
This bread recipe worked perfect.  Follow instructions to the letter as it works.
I made mine into individual rolls.

When visiting Florida, the  place we like to go is a Cuban restaurant for the sandwich. 

I put a little pressure on the sandwich after assembled totoast on both sides in the pan.

Mustard, ham, homemade dill pickles, pork tenderloin and swiss cheese. ( marinated the tenderloin over night in orange juice, some apple, cumin, smidgeon of brown sugar. It didn't call for that but it was good.

Oh yes, Steve also wanted navy bean soup I made to go with it.  I cooked this in the pressure cooker with celery, onion, pepper and a bouillon cube with water.  25 minutes is all it took.  

Well off to get more done.  I am getting mighty slow it seems here lately.

Til next time

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Chair covers

My chairs in the dining area were in need of  re covering.   The set is 20 years old and cleaning the fabric over and over just made it look worse in time.
I went to U Fab store and found some fabric on sale.  They had some great deals and I hit it just right.

 As I was on my way out the door I saw this remnant for $5.00 and figured I could  use the toile for something.  

I went for color this time.    I liked the white but a change is good.

I removed the chair base and it's 4 screws, took off the backing carefully as I wanted to re-use it.  Left the old fabric on.  Not necessary to take this off.
Measured the best I could and added three inches to my measurement for attaching.

The reason the sticks are in the base is because the holes for putting back the screws in the same place was hard to find if I didn't do this.  I am sure there is another way but I don't know it.
Stapled everything down.

got the screws in and off to the other 5

With the weather too cold to do anything outside.  It is time I get things done that really need doing inside.
Til next time

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Been awhile

Haven't been  posting at all really. I have been busy getting things straight in the house.  Condensing boxes to be put away of Christmas items.  I threw away a box full and need to go through more.
The other night was the most beautiful moon.  I still can't capture the moon like I would like to but here it is anyway.
Shining through the trees behind the garage.

I am leaving out this little tree.  Looking out the window is very foggy.

Before all the fog we took a ride to Colonial beach to look for drift wood and just get out.
Genevieve went with us and was very disappointed because she wanted to take off her shoes and play in the sand. 

She is smiling for the camera but it didn't last long as she just so thought she was going to be able to take her coat off and shoes.

This picture I took on the Pro setting so that is why it's lighter in color.

I took a ride to the  'At Home Store ' just to check out the sales.  I did find some beautifully made magnolia fall garland and a garland with cones and pretty leaves for 75 percent off.  I couldn't pass it up.  Regularly priced at $14.99
The golden wreath was half off in the Christmas isle.

Steve likes these oreo thin filled cookies.  He went to get one.  Not one had a filled center. Adalyn got to them first, ate the center and put them back.  She's a mess.

I have a few more posts for my Christmas blog I will be getting to.

til then - betsy

Sunday, January 5, 2020

the day after on the 7th I will be taking just about all of my decorations down except for winter decorations like snowmen etc..
Still posting to my Christmas Blog 
some of my decorations I didn't post or find any time to do so before Christmas.