" The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances". - Martha Washington

Friday, July 21, 2017

fort story 2017

A drizzling  day nearing the end  of May while in the area,  we took  a short drive to  Fort Story.   I like these days now and then.  Would welcome a day like that day now since it's so beastly hot.

Cape Henry - We didn't take the steps to the top this time.  We've done it before recently.  But did go in the gift shop

On our way to the beach

out to the beach Steve goes with coffee in hand

just beautiful

nothing but the sound of ocean

could have stayed much longer


  1. We love visiting Fort Story when we have a rainy day at the beach, Betsy. Your photos are lovely of a spot I adore. There is nothing like the ocean in my opinion. ♥

  2. Dearest Betsy,
    LOVE your Moon flower in the header!
    What a wonderful trip it always is to go to the coast, great photos.
    Sending you hugs,

    1. Thank you Mariette. Those Moon flowers scent the heavy night air. I love the ocean and we go quite often just for some quiet time and reflect.
      Hugs sent to you Mariette and have a wonderful week.


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