"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sunday Floral

Chilly today after a night of high winds at times, with gusts I read at 40 m.p.h.   I did have my window ever so slightly cracked to hear more of the wind and it gave a little bit of fresh air to the room.   With the blinds and curtains closed - it was just enough.

Today walking around getting a look at the Lilac bush I have had for about 10 years.  It was mightly slow growing at first because of it being disturbed from my last house in 2007.   I kicked it and knicked the large branches a little and then it took off growing.   I read to abuse them a little this way and they will start growing.  I believe it.  I wonder if it's because it has to heal the bruised areas?  Who knows,  it worked for me.   Smells so sweet.  It came from a piece dug from my moms large bush in 2007,  so it's sentimental to me to have.

I wished I had planted it further in the yard instead of right at the fence .  I have to move it and that will probably shock it into not blooming next year.   I really want to plant a fruit tree next to the fence and espelier it ( guess that is what it's called ) like the ones in Williamsburg.

a couple of snips in basement window

I put these few sprigs of forsythia in this pot two seasons ago and they bloomed of course, but will need to get them out to the wood line for some color.   Can't kill these plants.
The tea rose always looks and blooms well this time of year along with the beginning of fall, not so pretty in summer.

pink and white dogwoods

not quite bloomed out yet

a piece of hydrangea I put in this pot meaning to plant for two springs,  will probably do it now.
I thought it was dead as I didn't keep it watered last year .

This one is red  and I do need to feed it I think.

Surprise!  a few plants the moles and voles missed.  I am sure they will be back for these.

 On a wall in sunroom

azaleas started to bloom

my favorite color

this lavender must be out growing the cylinder pot its in.  
Happy Sunday

Sharing with    OUR WORLD TUESDAY ,  Image-in-ing  and Seasons


NCSue said...

Beautiful signs of spring!
Thank you for dropping by http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/03/the-endless-variety-of-orchids.html to share!

Anonymous said...

Wow, your garden is a haven! I can just smell hints of the lilac:) We had a forsythia in Holland, do you think they will grow in California (it's so dry and hot in the summer)? Aren't the hydrangea amazing - had the same - it was in the garage for months without water when weather was freezing here, cand came back to life a month ago:)

Thank you for sharing your garden with SEASONS - much appreciated, and hope so see the progress of your plants next week (or something else of course). Have a happy week!

Ida said...

Lots of lovely blooms and greenery here. I love Azaleas. Mine are still in the bud stage.

Haddock said...

Like that basket hanging on the wall.

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

Lovely blooms you have in April...not much here but everything is starting to bud! I never had much luck with Azaleas and gave up on them! Spring is here! Thanks for you visit!

likeschocolate said...

Love lilacs! Hope you have a great weekend!http://travelingbugwiththreeboys-kelleyn.blogspot.com/2016/09/eating-clean.html