"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Sunday, August 16, 2015

August evening

Can tell that fall is not far behind.  The way the shadows fall certain times of the day.  The season is changing.

mums planted from two seasons ago are blooming

this year was not as good as the last for growing zinnias .  This one is supposed to be a giant zinnia - no where near it.

Hibiscus doing well and its growing in a container with about 4 inches of soil.  

found one of two pretty flowers on the supposedly knockout rose, not such a knock out this year.

will bloom tonight


Tante Mali said...

What a beauty. Love your sun washed pictures and your flowers for sure!!!
Happy day and all my best from an Austrian gardener

Tante Mali said...

Dear Betsy,
it's me again! Thank you so much for your lovely visit. Wonderful to have you around!!!
Have a wonderful summertime