"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Museum stroll

Friday was a good day to get the grands out for a stroll.   We went to the Virginia Museum of fine Arts.
Grabbed a pizza slice for Steve and Adalyn and she enjoyed it on the patio at the Museum cafe.
Then off for a stroll with Genevieve to see the water fall and a run around the garden area for Adalyn to tire them out,  I believe I am the one who was tired out.    The two girls never tired.

this is what is directly behind me as I was taking the picture above

A little history here about this beautiful old Victorian House.

6 over 9 pane window - I like how the wood around the glass  has detail unlike today where the outside windows are framed simply.
pretty intricate work above the windows and doors ,  the same as in the old photo several photos above
deck area of museum where we had a snack from the " Best Cafe".
water view from the deck

a walk up the steps next to water fall

Genevieve patiently watching

looking for the squirrel in the tree

A very big tree as you can see,  how old could this tree be?   It's huge
til next time

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Some Peonies are known to survive for as long as 100 years . 
The floral symbol for China and in their language means "beautiful".
It's the symbol for the 12th wedding anniversary in western culture.
They are blooming this year for me better than the past few years for sure,  only problem is the buds seem to come into full bloom quickly and are not going to be around for much longer.
I found this vase at a shop near me today
Perfect for my arrangement of Peonies

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Happy Tuesday

Lovely blooms to wake to this morning and here are a few of them.

Fresh flowers from our yard  brightens up an empty corner.

Peonies are in bloom and are free of ants so far
My ten cent yard sale teacup with a large peony
My Moms day arrangement still pretty as the day I got it

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Steve's Birthday

Not only was it Mothers Day,  but it was Steve's birthday...
Annette got a luscious chocolate cake.   Soooo chocolatey and delicious!
It even had chocolate roses
He's bashful
Genevieve and Miranda
Adalyn loves dogs ,  especially little tank as he is called.   Annette and John brought him back when they moved back from Germany.  He is part beagle and part jack russell.  Very smart and sweet little dog..  The bigger dog who they call Panzer is a big baby and very gentle.
He is a doll baby
John and Steve , every time I tried to get a picture of John,  he always seemed to turn around. Will get him next time. 
A good time was had by all.
Happy Mothers Day !  
Hope everyone has a safe and joyful one.
A few pictures  here of a beautiful flower arrangement from my daughter , son in law and sweet grandson.
The pink carnation stands out as it should on this day.  Wonderful scent.
My Mom
mom likes roses ,  so I brought her this mini rose to sit on her table in her room .
Above link is where I found the following information:

The Carnation, Symbol of Mothers Day

On the occasion of the first official Mothers Day service on May 10, 1908, Miss Anna Jarvis sent 500 white carnations, chosen by herself, to the Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church, in Grafton, West Virginia. In a telegram to the congregation, Miss Jarvis stated that:
"...Each one present will be given a white carnation; mothers will be given two, in memory of the day. These five hundred carnations are given by a loyal, loving daughter in honor and sacred memory of her good and faithful mother, Mrs. Ann M. Jarvis, who worked faithfully and earnestly for twenty long years, as an earnest teacher in our Sunday School, who only a few years ago departed to that better world to reap the reward of her labors here. Every one is asked to wear this flower. The white carnation is preferred because it may be thought to typify some of the virtues of motherhood; ... whiteness stands for purity; its lasting qualities, faithfulness; its fragrance, love; its wide field of growth, charity; its form, beauty..."
The following year she sent 700 carnations for the same purpose, and over the years, sent over 10,000 carnations as personal gifts to the Andrews Church. Carnations--red for living and white for deceased--are now worn world-wide as emblems of the purity, strength and endurance of motherhood.
I received a pretty Dianthus (above)  from my son and daughter in law
loaded with blooms
The color looks like peppermint swirl
very pretty and smells like carnations.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Looks like confetti fell on the yard.    The dogwood blooms are just about gone.    Looks pretty with the grass dotted white.
relaxing to watch as they gently fell to the ground
Fringe tree or grandaddys beard as I grew up hearing it called, scents the whole area.  smells sweet.
this beauty always puts on a show with it's large blooms

there are two colors shining through on this azalea
two lone petunias in the window,  they will take off and fill the pot in another month
Annette and John gave me Calla Lily for Easter.  A long lasting flower even when cut.
Varying shades of pink.   Beautiful!
The Boston fern seems to like the humidity on the porch.   Can always count on to brighten up a spot in a room or somewhat shady area.