"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Friday, September 6, 2013

Blue skies

Some pictures of beautiful Jekyll Island Steve and I traveled to a while back.   Jekyll island off the coast of Georgia  was purchased in 1886 for some of Americas elite -  Rockefeller's , Vanderbilt's, Pulitzers, Gould's and Morgans came here to escape.

I am posting the beach at low tide.   An Islander was walking by as I was venturing out further and reminded me that a couple of tourist got caught out to far on a sandbar as the tide was coming in and drowned.   I came back a little closer to the shore line.  
tide is out - the  sand is like talcum powder
time to travel back to Georgia

I found some pretty shells
In the distance you can see the Sidney Lanier bridge that connects St. Simon island and Jekyll Island.

I am sharing with Anything Blue Friday


Jeannie and Linda said...

Your photographs are gorgeous! I felt a peace come over me just looking at them. We know our Father loves blue too! Just look at that sky!

Linda and Jeannie at The French Hens Nest

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

That is so pretty Betsy. I guess the tide can really play tricks on a person. Love your header photo. Fits right in..Happy Weekend..Judy