"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Just a few  pictures of my flowers that look pretty after the heat has passed.  I saw a difference in the days as soon as August hit.  The way the shadows are cast in the early evening  on the front lawn  tell me that the season is changing.   I bet we will have an early snow this year.   
I have the Gerbera daisy in a pot on the fence.

I love all colors of zinnias
I have to have red in the flower garden, gives it spark I think.

The first year I have planted the white, think I will plant in the front garden next spring in front of the box.  Certainly brightens up an otherwise dark area.
The volunteer sunflower has reached the second story window.

second wave of flowering after cutting spent flowers

Surprised the Thyme did so well in this pot. Second year for it , I better transplant.
til next time


Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Betsy, your zinnias are so pretty. I love them in the garden and to make a beautiful arrangement, but, would you believe I don't have any in my garden. I'm planning on next year..Happy Wednesday..Judy

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

No zinnias in our flower beds this year, Betsy, so nice to see your colorful blooms. Cooler weathered here too on the VA eastern shore.