"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Haven't been able to post as I had a computer virus and steve stayed on the phone off and on for six hours trying to get it straight , plus the computer guy coming out for two hours.   Whew,   this time I will check every site before I go to it.    this was a MESS.  

early morning a day ago , some flowers that greeted me as I walked outside drinking my morning coffee.
these usually bloom earlier in the season -

Sunflowers that are taller than the roof on my sunporch
My thyme,  I am always snipping it to use in dishes
still pulling off the dried flowers from the lavender for sachets and dryer bags
I have a few more larger bunches after taking care of this one


Latane Barton said...

Those are some big sunflowers. They look so cheerful reaching their heads toward the sun.

Tanya Breese said...

beautiful flowers! ugh, so frustrating to have computer problems and stuck on the phone trying to solve them...what a relief to have that over huh?!!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Hi Betsy. Is that a morning glory in the first picture? The leaves look like it but the flower reminds me of a large hibiscus I used to have. I have been picking my lavender too. I've got quite a few bunches and I need to take some off like you are doing..By mistake, I clicked on your Christmas blog and just love that little house and the cards the artist made..Happy Wednesday..Judy

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The flowers are lovely, Betsy and could almost smell that lavender scent using my imagination.
I too am having some PC issues and was wondering what your virus problem turned out to be and how you resolved it.