I guess besides springtime, the autumnal time of year runs a close first for being my favorite season
The cold months can be miserable at times, I really don't think I would want to live without the four seasons like we have here in Virginia. Not yet any way, I may change my mind as I get older.
On my walk around the yard, I took some pictures of flowers that are giving a beautiful end of season flowering
I don't recall the name of this one, I bought it late and didn't know it would bloom
. A showy plant with beautiful purple pink color of leaves
can always count on this one to grow and bloom nicely no matter what the weather,
mom always called it moss rose, the portulaca
geranium fizzling out
my favorite hibiscus, I believe I heard it called swamp hibiscus (not sure of that )
potato vine with a puny geranium
one lonesome bloom on the hydrangea bush
purple basil grows very large and so fragrant
I cut the petunias back very often, keeps them lush and not so leggy. They grow back over night it seems
There is basil in pot with them
Love this tea rose. The color of it shimmers in the light, my favorite
This rose is the prettiest in spring and now autumn, it is monthly rose but is not this pretty in summer
keeping the trimming up to force a shape
I dug this one up from under a bush that sprouted new growth
hope it continues to thrive
time to plant some mums