"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Monday, February 8, 2010

Let it Snow - and more on it's way

I must say I do love it!   Gods beautiful work.    I took a walk around the house and woods so I could take some pictures Saturday and Sunday.
  So far this is what it looks like for this week- 80% chance of precipitation on tuesday of ice pellets and wednesday 40% chance of snow.  Not bad if one doesn't have to get out in it.  I for one, have to tomorrow.

dogwood tree covered in ice and snow

looking toward azaleas and dogwoods

creek rising
got home just in time before it got any worse

views from our bedroom window  - nice waking up to the sunshine and pretty icicles hanging from roof.


donna said...

Wow Betsy, these pictures of the snow is beautiful. Being farther North, you got more snow than us. Harrisonburg got around 24 inches. I really love how the snow lays on the trees. Just gorgeous.

Betsy said...

To Donna, Maybe we can go to Harrisonburg on day, I would love to see the snow there.

Nancy said...

There is still ice as well as snow on the trees. The insurance company sent a crew out today. Major damage to the chimney where the tree hit it. Now there is a tarp over it and we can't use our gas log stove. Water leaking into the house. And more coming! Lived in Maine 18 years and never had trouble like this!

robin said...

Beautiful pictures! Creek rising, Christmas card for next year?

Americana Lady said...

Such beautiful pictures! My favorite is "Creek Rising" Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog. I have joined yours as well. I love some of your recipes! Joan @Americana By Candlelight