"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Near the end of October

 Where did October go?  My heavens we will be celebrating Thanksgiving before we know it. 

A drive through town of Ashland today with a few nicely decorated homes and then to the local farm to get the girls a pumpkin and a hayride. 

The last weekend was cutting it short, but we enjoyed the hayride, girls found good pumpkins.

My son and the grand girls.

Slim pickings on the pumpkins in the fields.  A lot of pumpkins were taken away.

corn maze

Genevieve drew the face on her pumpkin, and it turned out so cute after carving it. 
She had to have eye lashes.

Our drive through the town of Ashland with the auto train going through at the time.

People really do put up some nice decorations in the town.  I am sure people traveling through on the train and ones that drive through love seeing them.
I have just these two that I took from my video.  This is the reason for them not being really clear.  I took the picture from my you tube video. 

I love this yellow house and pink door. 

Around my yard before it's over with
He glows in the 

coming in driveway
The purple mums keep on blooming beautiful.
My ghost in backyard at nighttime. I look out my downstairs window and see this.
witch legs
bats in the evening

We enjoyed dinner in Port Royal Va. this past Saturday and this was our view of the Rappahannock River from where we sat.
I zoomed in on this one

Anne of Green Gables said it best
My beautiful roses from children on my birthday last week
Sweet gifts from a friend.  Great read 
From husband.  I liked this picture in Cracker Barrel.  I am going to use it probably as a background for a winter scene I have in mind.  

My granddaughter's birthday was two days before mine and she also shares her birthday with my youngest sister, her great aunt.  
She had the best ice cream cake, banana ice cream layer with fudge cake layer. 

It was lit, Genevieve jumped up as the sparklers kind of scared her some. 

 The banana ice cream was not just flavored, it was real banana ice cream.  The ice cream cones were filled with whipped topping.

My husband brought me a bar cake, and it was so delicious. UKrops bakery made it and reminds me of the Thalhimer's 6-layer bar cake.   Miss those days of Thalhimer's and Miller and Rhodes downtown Richmond Va.   I still have my Santa picture taken there.   
Wish I had taken a before eaten picture.   

We are enjoying a fire in the evenings now since it is chillier. 



The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Looks great in your town and especially around your home, Betsy! Happy belated birthday to you and your sister and granddaughter. October babies are the best. The ice cream cone cake is very clever--I've never seen one like that. I can't believe tomorrow will be November!

Betsy said...

Cannot believe November is tomorrow. This year has flown by. Stay warm, it's supposed to be a lot chillier this week.