"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Monday, July 3, 2023

Happy Independence Day!

"One flag, one land, one heart, one hand, one nation forevermore."
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Black eyed Susans starburst shape represents Justice.  A fitting flower for Independence Day.
"We on this continent should never forget that men first crossed the Atlantic not to find soil for their ploughs, but to secure liberty for their souls."
-Rober J McCracken
Beautiful Va. farmland

Heading out in Virginia countryside to Luray Va. on Fathers day. 
Yes, it's been a little hazy but still beautiful.

We lost haze after the rain came.

Strasburg Va. visit on our trip.   

Queen street diner in Strasburg.  Steve enjoyed a steak breakfast here for Father's day.
Patriotic decorations 

steak breakfast

Husbands' son Steven on Monday past week cooked sliders on our Blackstone griddle.   Seasoned hamburger pushed thin or you can roll out between parchment paper in the shape of the slider or dinner rolls before cutting.  the rolls were toasted on griddle first.  Sauteed onions under cheese placed on rolls then sliced into individual servings. 

Cooking on the green egg are chicken thighs that I marinated in little brown sugar, some Worcestershire sauce, garlic spices and I threw some Italian dressing in the bag also and marinated overnight.  They tasted really good and the hickory wood chips made them even better.  

sides of garden salad and chips were enough with this, it was a hot day, but it's summer, right? It's supposed to be.  

I have seen Pumpkin Displays and other Autumnal displays in the stores.  For heaven's sake, it hasn't been summer for a month yet.  I do not like rushing the seasons. 

below petunia came up from seed left in pot from last summer.  
I have these golden coleuses in several planters now.  They grow very fast.  I have rooted quite a few just by sticking a cutting in the dirt and watering it like this one from another planter.  

The coleus on the right is a cutting.

Happy Independence Day.  We will be heading out for the day tomorrow just to ride maybe to Gordonsville. 
Grab a barbecue at barbecue exchange restaurant maybe.  Would like to see fireworks, not sure where though.     🎆


Kim said...

Happy 4th!! I'm with you, let's enjoy the summer before we start shopping for pumpkins! Haha!! Looks like you're celebrating in great summer style!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Such lovely photos, Betsy! So many beautiful flowers in your garden. I love to start plants by just sticking them in some compost. Your coleus are very bright and cheerful. And your food looks delish! Happy 4th of July!

DeniseinVA said...

Looks like you had a great 4th of July Betsy. Great photos, I followed right along and enjoyed each one. The food makes me want to come knocking on your door, lol!

Terra said...

Wonderful quotes about our country and how how we love it.