"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Flowers and other growing things. Happy Mother's Day!

Rainy day here and before heading out to run a few errands, some pictures outside of the past week.

Friday was Steves Birthday.  I cooked smash burgers on the  Brookstone griddle.  I like cooking wth  it outside when I want things a little fast and it's fun.  Oil has to be used so I have to be careful using it too much.   It cooks things like peppers, onions and potatoes that taste so good.

Publix makes the best ice cream cake

Both grand girls made Opa cards


Genevieve's card.  She made a tri fold

Variety of foods that the girls picked out to eat.

Our strawberries are coming in.  I moved quite a few to pots to make room in beds. Will have to make even larger beds for next year I see.  Easiest plants ever to grow.

What I have on table before going out to pick a few

After and not too bad. 

 More to ripen in coming week. 

I try to keep covered from birds

Strawberries in this planter are a total surprise.  I planted pineberries last year and they did not a thing.   I thought they were just a loss.   I have some June bearers in here also, I pulled the runners and put in pots.  Had no idea the ones that came back this year were pineberries.  Total surprise. A cross between the Virginia common strawberry and Fragaria Chiloensis.  It is ripe when almost completely white and seeds are reddish color.   Taste like a strawberry pineapple to me.  Very tart.

I plan on making a large bed of these for next season.  One thing to note is that the Pineberry must have a regular strawberry as a pollinator nearby, at least one for every four pineberries.   The fruits are soft so better to eat sooner rather than later and no problem here.  I would freeze them for smoothies but will barely make it from the vine before they are eaten by grandchildren. 
A little read on this site below
-Strawberry plants. Org-
Cabbage in pots are doing well.  I sprayed with Neem oil to keep off those little bugs.  I purchased a netting for them to see if it would help with worms or bugs.  I wrapped base with foil as I heard it helps keep worms off.  Will see. 

Planning on placing these pots somewhere else and get the patio more presentable for summer. 
A little cuke in the orange pot coming up.

My head lettuce I sprayed with Neem oil which is safe to use, or I wouldn't use it.  I washed them off and decided to bring in to keep the bugs or flies off and less tending.  They do well inside with plenty of light. 
I have several hanging plants on the sunroom. All faux.  

I have these to plant.

Put a few in pots on table next to sliding door where I sit and have coffee some mornings]

A cutting from a basil plant I purchased last year.  Good to see it has lived through some cold days. 

Can never go wrong with Petunias.  They give plenty of summer color and when they get a little too leggy, I cut them back and more beautiful flowers come for the rest of the summer into fall. 
Flowers of Sweet William are such a pretty color.  I planted some snap dragons in the bed also the same color.  The yellow snap dragon didn't die all the way back this past winter.  It's the first time this has happened.  Usually, it just reseeds and comes back.  

Hollyhock third summer in pot.  I know I am pushing it.  Can't last much longer this way
Rose that I have trimmed several times already is blooming profusely.  I take off several buds on one stem so the flower will be larger and I think it works.

Roses and Peonies for my table

this one with rain drops 

Mock orange was just beautiful this year!  I love how it scents the yard but the seeds that drop can root and has done so several places in the yard.   I keep digging them up.  I don't want them all over. 
Below, my Peonies and Mock orange arrangement

Grand daughter was one of three chosen from her class to have her art hanging at a High School display along with other schools in the county.  

 Dill.  May have to make some potato salad

I took this picture outside before dark a few evenings ago.

To all moms 
Happy Mother's Day

1 comment:

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I hope you had a great Mother's Day...All your plants and flowers look really good!! We are expected to get an area wide frost and freeze on Wed. so I am glad I waited to buy my annuals...Maybe next week I will after I watch the forecast to see if the temps. will dip down again.....I hope you are feeling better after your fall...My knee seems to be getting better ...I hope you are having a great week!!