"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Friday, April 29, 2022


A visit to Agecroft Hall in Richmond, Virginia with my sister and her husband on Sunday April 24.

 We toured the house and gardens.   I had a post about the history a few years back about how this place made it here from England to Virginia and was the start along with the house next door that became Windsor Farms neighborhood, The Virginia house which is a must see also.  Both shipped here from England.   This photo of Agecroft from a few years back as I didn't get a shot of the front this year.

A few pictures of the inside  
The long gallery where we transition from modern world to early 17th century.  
Walls filled with wattle and daub.

 Armour for physical protection.  Mythological cockatrice shown on shield - protection from witches and spirits.  In those days people relied on superstitions.  

The great hall with exposed timbers and large hearth were sometimes the only room in a large manor house. 

Plaster ceiling

Agecroft Hall has a blog and one to take a look for the history of it, inside and out.  


Staircase from Warwick Priory. The Virginia house right next door that was also from England reconstructed in Va. 
Newell post and panels carved from one piece of wood. Made of oak.
Originally there were 20 to 40 sleeping chambers at Agecroft, not just for family but for the maybe 20 to 30 servants employed at the manor house. 

my sister checking out the room

Over in the corner below is the 

 silent companion 

Dummy boards or silent companions I understand originated in Holland in 1700's.  Found in households throughout the continent, British households and Colonial America.
I assume the feeling of a human Prescence was comforting for some, hence the term silent companion. 
Some say they were used to ward off burglars or enemy soldiers, which makes me think that is what the one above is for as he is holding a sword.  

Another bedroom here and off to a small hallway 

In the hallway is this shelving which is really a Priests hole.

moving along and admiring this electric candle with a brass plate hung above it to throw the light.

Another silent companion

An idea of what a meal may have looked like at the time at the Tudor Manor house when originally located in Irwell valley in Agecroft Pendlebury in the 15th century, later in Lancashire England.

A closer look at the pie. Little birds for dinner? 

I guess if one is hungry enough, maybe.  I am sure I would stay hungry.
On to the out of doors.
Gorgeous sunken garden of tulips.

Roses will be more in bloom maybe in a few weeks

In the courtyard there were activities, and one was making potpourri sachets, mine made with lavender and rose buds.  Not shown but fabric pulled together and tied with a yellow ribbon.  

My sister and her husband  


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Easter 2022

 We enjoyed Easter this year with my Mother, Son and his family and my sister and family. It was so good to have Mom here enjoying Easter with us, being with family is just what she needed.  She ate so well which surprised us as she hasn't had much of an appetite for months, probably due to inactivity and not enough fresh air. Being 100 and doing this well, all is good.


Baked ham, mac n cheese, baked beans, broccoli,  carrots, Brussel sprouts, potato salad, deviled eggs, spinach salad, creamed cauliflower with sundried tomatoes my sister brought and butter beans,  

For dessert I made some bunny shaped cake with cream cheese frosting. I also made coconut bunnies, but I didn't get a picture.

Mamas favorite banana pudding.  

making sure eggs are all found as we hid a lot

Bunny Adalyn

Happy Easter