- Photos posted on my blog are mine unless stated otherwise. BH

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Happy Sunday

 Earlier with coffee while enjoying birdsong and sunshine.   Cukes growing so well in this pot.  It wasn't this large yesterday.

Grand daughter helped find and pull some rocks deeply embedded in the dirt in the far back yard so they could be put around lamp post with some flowers she planted. 

Good Day to All!


  1. Your garden is such a peaceful respite, so beautiful !
    Enjoy your Sunday, I'm admiring your black Hollyhock :)

  2. Dearest Betsy,
    Good job by your Granddaughter; this is rubbing off by example in a positive way!
    Your patio is such a great addition and what a summer joy to come.

    1. Thank you Mariette, I am so glad she enjoys outdoors and making things grow. We are enjoying the patio, but the over 90 degree heat like we had today kept us mostly inside. So hot.
      Hugs, Betsy

  3. Your garden is just wonderful. A real cucumber! I swear over the winter I forget what real vegetables taste like. We did get our first tomato, but we cheated. We purchased a plant with a tiny tomato growing already.

  4. Happy Sunday, Betsy. Beautiful patio and birdsong..xxoJudy

  5. The vines and flowers look lovely! Have a good week.

  6. Betsy,
    Your grand daughter is a woman after my own heart..I sent Joe for rocks to put around the flower bed I landscaped by our Court's mailboxes.... You and your grand daughter did a terrific job!


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