"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


It's dreary and drizzly at 8:00 here in the morning and way before.  Good soup day and I started mine with homemade vegetable and beef leftover from an eye round roast I had a day ago.
Tired of the usual, so soup for me.


but I find days like this so relaxing.

  Fresh veggies- squash canned with tomatoes in basil from my daughters garden.  Peas, carrots, corn, canned tomatoes, noodles, lean beef, potatoes and some garlic.
 Now I think just a tad sprinkle of Parmesan with my huge glass of water I have every morning.  Gotta drink more water.

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mamasmercantile said...

Wow that looks amazing and making me quite hungry.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I know your soup must be delicious with all of those great ingredients, Betsy. I bet you are enjoying the beautiful weather today! I've been outside working in the garden, pretending it's Spring! ♥

krishna said...

This is a real comfort food for such a day!!

Sigrun said...

Very delicious!


Betsy said...

Thank you Sigrun. wish I could share it with you.

Betsy said...

Thank you.. I love soups and stews.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Betsy, that soup looks so amazing. Soup is perfect on a dreary day and fun to make too. I can't seem to get going on dreary days, the sun shining is when I like to get busy. My doc told me to drink more water, but it is really hard for me to think about unless it is in the summer time. I try to get through a 12 oz bottle a day but that is not easy...Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

Veronica Lee said...

Yummm! Looks delish!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to comment on my post about blogging!! I will continue to post but not as often as I was....... Thanks for your encouragement and support!!

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Betsy, that looks like a great breakfast to me! And sometimes I like typical breakfast foods for dinner. Like you, I'm trying to drink more water, and that is difficult for me.

Veronica Lee said...

Hi again, Betsy.
Swinging by once more to follow your lovely blog via GFC.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Betsy,
Well, we too had such wet days and I made a huge pot of chicken soup with fresh veggies.
Yours sounded like a good choice too and very healthy.
It is comfort food for dreary days and also cold days. Warming your hands on a cup of soup and warming up from inside.
Sending you hugs,

Angela said...

That soup looks great and it's very healthy with all the vegetables. When I had my friend from Japan visiting it was a surprise to me that she asked for the leftover soup for breakfast. I too love soups!!