"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Garden rocks and flowers

Visited my sister in law on   thursday in the country.   We walked the yard to look at  the flower beds.  Water standing as we have had plenty of it these days.
Four poisonous snake bites in her neighborhood, one was in the shrubbery that was being sheared and it bit the persons hand.   Hearing more stories of snake bites and the  snakes seem to be more aggressive this year.
 If I see them, I will try to get rid of them (kill).   Hate to let one get away.

Her pretty wreath on front door

from the front porch you can see the little gnome village under the light.

wished it wasn't so blurry .  Can hear the water fountain running in the village.

On the left side of the front porch is the childrens little porch with chairs and plants.  They have tea out here.

Cute yard sale find of a garden scene
In the center front yard are two chairs and a fat frog.

To the left of the front yard is this garden area made by my nephew keith.
He brought all of the smooth rocks from their woods in the very back.   Look like river rock.

A foot bridge he placed there and then dug the dry creek bed which he lined with rock.  I am sure it took him a while to lay each and every one.

I think it looks so neat

A work in progress

nice area for a respite on a hot day with tea,  beautiful deep blue hydrangeas in background

I think I shall do the same thing here at the house with the brick path at my porch, so I won't have to weed   Wanda has  potted flowers  she puts in the space for color.

Walkway to the little garden cottage made with slate found in yard and more rock.
You can see that drops of rain are starting to come down again on the slate.
Happy Sunday


Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

What a fun visit Betsy! I can tell they have put a ton of work into their gardens. I've always liked the dry creek beds in a yard and thought about doing that in my yard but decided against it for now. I have planted a Magnolia right in its path,so won't work so well now. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you do in your yard after your visit filled with inspiration! I'm sure the girls would love placing (or throwing) some rocks here and there! :)
Have a great week!

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Betsy. Your sister's garden is a dream. What a beautiful piece of property. I would love to dig a dry stream bed and put a little bridge over it. Have I mentioned before how beautiful your header shot is?. Happy Sunday..Judy

Karen said...

What a wonderful garden tour. Love the new stone borders and the bridge. Everything looks great!

Anonymous said...

your sister has such a pretty yard and garden. I live in the country too...seeing lots of critters I prefer not to see so far. Actually, as I was cleaning out one garden a few weeks ago, I put my hand down to pull out some spent wild peppermint and there was a copperhead ...not 6" from my hand. He was partially hidden under pine tags. I was so lucky not to get bitten. Now I am reluctant to even work in the gardens.

Sun Dry said...

My peonies were tiny infants when the Deliver Flowers handed them over to my arms. They just came from a long trip from France in the same day. Then after traveling in NY public transportation, the high temperature forced all flowers to open. The matured blossoms still moved my heart.