"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Monday, November 2, 2015

little one's birthday

Few weeks ago seemed like everyone had the flu bug.  Genevieves b'day was October 18, same day as my sister Donna.    Adalyn had the croup and that night on her birthday, Genevieve  came down with tonsilitis and then everyone else to follow.
 Mom baked for her  a banana chocolate iced cake from scratch as bananas are Genevieves favorite fruit and usually has one for breakfast every morning plus she loves her chocolate, what girl doesn't?  
Opa, Oma , Mom , Dad and sister Adalyn enjoyed cake together  and then opened presents.
Some pictures of her evening.  and she is two years old!  Where did two years go!  We need to slow down ,  but you know time flys when you are having fun!

Happy Birthday Genevieve

why is there fire on my good cake?

ever so patient

sweet adalyn was definitely not feeling well,  but managed some cake 
She loves ninja turtles as you can see

Once again - Happy Birthday


Denise said...

Happy Birthday Genevieve!! What an absolute cutie pie, Betsy! I'm sorry everyone's been sick; that's no fun. The cake looks and sounds delicious -- so glad everyone enjoyed the celebration.

Thank you for your visit, Betsy -- hope you have a great week. :)


Denise at Forest Manor

Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Awww...happy birthday Genevieve! Those girls look just like their mother! How cute!