"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow at last

Yep,  been asking for it and got it.  I love it,  the air is crisp and clear and brr - cold
First yesterday we visited mom about an hour away and ran into light flurries there.   She said she wanted to go for a ride which she did enjoy.   So pretty when it first starts to cover the trees.
pretty ride down a gravel road to pick up mom

nice hot coffee for the road.

Some pictures below of what it looked like this morning at my house

taken from upstairs window


Sigrun said...

A wonderful snowpicture from your garden - spring is coming soon!


Betsy said...

Thank you Sigrun for visiting.

Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Yay, you got your snow! So did I here in Missouri, finally! It is just so pretty!
Have a great day!

Elizabeth said...

It is beautiful !