"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Around fall of the year,  some pictures of a place we visit from time to time while making our way to other sites in the mountains is Humpback Rocks and farmstead along the blue ridge Pkwy, milepost 5.2.   An 1890 farmstead that was relocated and reconstructed here.
A visitor centere with information about the area and people.  The hike to the rocks is about a 3/4 mile or so

Warmth was needed when we visited and this fire felt so good. 

below a closer look at the ropes that held their mattress -  the mattress in those days were probably stuffed with pine needles, straw or leaves.   The ropes were pulled tight so the mattress wouldn't slump.   "sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite"  wasn't just a saying.   Bugs would get into the mattress filling ,  wouldn't want it sagging to the floor or even touching the walls because of what could crawl into the bedding.
There was a ladder to check out the loft upstairs with beds.  Since heat rises ,  I assume that would have been the warmest place to be in winter.
This instrument was hanging on the wall and I can't remember what the gentleman called it

outside the door,  a hollowed log with some flowers

closer look at the roof of chicken house

hollow logs - bee keepers


root cellar

Ash hopper
soap  usually made in fall of the year when animals were slaughtered

Hog pen
I'd think the hog was pretty safe in here


humpback ahead


Sigrun said...

Hi Betsy, very interesting. This instrument I have never seen - and heard.


Lynn said...

wonderful shots and love the information provided. My Paternal Grandparents had a similar place like this a remote valley in the interior of BC, Canada, they arrived as Norwegian Immigrants at the turn of the 19th century.

Tanya Breese said...

i enjoyed this! we haven't been there yet...i'm pinning it for a spring road trip!

Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Hi Betsy,
There is just something about log cabins, isn't there? Even thought they really aren't that pretty they are always so welcoming looking.
Take care,

Karen said...

Hi Betsy, this was another very interesting post. I can see why that pen was 'bearproof' but the idea of razorback hogs running around loose is scary, too. The way our ancestors lived was so far removed from life now, but it's a good thing there are museums to keep us tied to the past.

Love the photos, beautiful as always.