"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Sunday, June 26, 2011

flower wreath

I picked some hydrangeas from my bush outside the porch to make a wreath.
  I read that you can wire fresh ones on a form and let them dry.   I did that today. 
blue -pink- pale lavender
I made a wreath form from the weeping willow tree that I have growing on the creek
tied the flowers on with fish line and that was a little too slippery,  I had some white pipe cleaners I decided to finish with,  I use what I have on hand.

back side

You can see where the little flowers are burnt  from the sun.  Hope it doesn't worsen as it drys.
Now I will see how it drys on here,  Its hanging on my front door.

Little tuft of flowers on my kitchen window

Brown eyed Susan's I can always count on for color outside in the summer


Chandra said...

Very pretty flowers Betsy! You did an awesome job on the wreath.

Betsy said...
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Karen said...

What a lovely wreath, please let us know what it looks like as it dries, I love hydrangea flowers.