"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Butterfly kisses

Pictures will enlarge when clicked on

I will miss seeing butterfly, I come out to photograph and he flies at me and then back to the flower. He knows I am not gonna interrupt him. Beautiful!

Still a few buds left to bloom and will sure miss the beauty, I am working on more garden beds and trying to get rid of the moles who want to take them out. I think I will put some gravel in and around the area I plant, it seemed to work at our previous home. We have been at this house 2 years and its time to get things underway.


robin said...

your blog is very high tech. a slideshow, very nice. by the way, i took the what kind of flower test. i'm a sunflower, one of my favorite flowers. i had a wonderful time with you and steve tonight.

Betsy said...

glad you enjoyed it and we had a great time at church and dinner.

Betsy said...

I like the bistro set with chimney in background. Steve

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful pictures. I haven't been to WV since I was 17. I loved it then! I always planned to go back but haven't had the chance. Thanks so much for remind me of how beautiful WV is!