"Silence and solitude, the soul's best friends" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Another Beautiful Day

Out early and recorded the video of a few flowers and Hibiscus.  I have heard it called Swamp Hibiscus, soil is well drained and it is given plenty of water.  I have to spray it with Neem oil to keep the beetles from eating it up.   Glad it works for  a little while anyway.

Friday, July 17, 2020

just hot

Wow, some hot ones here.  Staying inside more except for early mornings and a ride to get out of the house.
We rode to Northern neck to see what was in an antique store the girls love to visit.  They always find some sort of treasure to bring home.  This time it was two bags of marbles and little old fashioned looking matchbox cars.
Before going into the store there were a couple of dinosaurs to have a picture taken with.

I didn't find anything I wanted.  The heat from the pavement was terrible.

We had lunch before heading home.

Back home inside,  I  stuffed more sachets with lavender buds harvested from my plants

Now to start the week end

My window box with Petunias still looking good

Friday, July 10, 2020

Happy Friday and a Little This and That

Nothing prettier to see early in the morning than these red roses with a coffee in hand.

Oh those hot muggy summer days are here.  It has to be early when I go out to water flowers and pull a few weeds.  
Tomato plants are growing like crazy and I did have to cut some back a little.  The ones I trimmed are the indeterminate ones.  They have tomatoes on them but the plants are  getting a little out of hand.

Morning Glories greet early

When too miserable to be out I am in trying to take care of a few chores and one being
the sidelights and how to diffuse the view to inside for right now.

I didn't know at this point what I wanted to put on sidelights at door.  We decided  on window film from Home Depot.  Easy to put on and it does let in a little light.

There are all different types, I chose this one for the color.

Little dark but it's hard to get a picture really well of how it looks

Any how, I am happy with it.

Girls wanted to dress up to wake up Opa the other day and put on a moustache and coats with his hats.  Adalyn looks like Colonel Sanders.  Genevieve is behind her.  The came up the stairs from downstairs kitchen area that we use mostly in summer saying the the Electrician was here.  He jumped up and started laughing.  Told them to wait so he could get their picture.  Our little clowns.

Picked these for the table or several tables as there are just so many.

I did get around to pulling the lavender buds for sachets and to put in some salts to season for baths.

Dill, Chive, tomato plant, French sorrel still looking good

Good Day Everyone.  I am getting ready to go out to some Antique shops with the girls.  Hopefully they want to go.  They really want to go to the pool again.  Will see